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Clans on Animal Jam

Hey guys! Kylie here :3 

Anyway, you might go on Animal Jam, and see people roleplaying in the forest. People who kill deers and stuff for a 'clan.' Its a book series called Warriors. Its about a house cat named Rusty who joins Thunderclan to protect the clan. I only read the first book though DX. Erin Hunter wrote these series.

Here are the characters on the Warriors Wiki. 
 Sandstorm.warriorSandstorm Bluestar Spottedleaf Silverstream Firestar (Or Rusty)


 Jayfeather.mcJayfeather (I heard he is blind) Oakheart
Squirrelflight.deputy Squirrelflight

Basically there are roles in the clans

. Leader- Leads clans, hosts meetings and gets nine lives, from a gift from the Starclan
. Deputy- Is second in command. If the Leader is gone or dead, they are the Leader.
. Medicine Cat- Heals warriors and cats who are injured or hurt.
. Warrior- Fights foes and protects their Clan.
. Apperentince- When kits are six moons old, they can train to be a warrior.
. Kit- Short for kitten, they are baby cats, nursed by Queens. Their names always end in "Kit"
. Elder- Retired queens or warriors. They tell legends and stories to Apperetinces.
. Queen- The queens are she-cats (girl cats) that nurse and gives birth to kits.
The clans are...
. Starclan
. Thunderclan
. Shadowclan
. Riverclan
. Windclan
And i heard there is a Sky Clan in Super Edition.

Here is some drama pictures on Google Images.

How to avoid it.

 1. Go to an empty server

 2. Ignore it

 3. Don't go to a full Saperia Forest

 4. Don't get into a fight (I've accidently done it, and have been theatened, so this is a good idea)

 5. Don't go to people who say "(clan name) MY DEN!"

6. Stick with friends

 7. Don't be a deer or bunny (I don't know why but roleplayers usually say "Kills Princess nn" if they are a deer or bunny.)

 8. Walk away from it :)


I hope these work! Please, if it doesn't, please comment.

The thing that confuses me the most.

Wolves stare at me and say i'm stupid for saying they are wolves, not cats. Cats are in clans, Wolves are in packs. DX It would more sense if if were TIGERS instead of Wolfs!!!!!  

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