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The tale of the Dragon Nautilus book 1, 2, and working on 3

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus

Written and illustrated by Kylie Davis

Prologue. A sound in a castle crackled as a baby dragon got her first glance of the Earth. Then a dragon grabbed eggs and her. Knights ran inside the castle. “Go!” A black dragon roared. The mother cried. “No!” she said. “Save the eggs…” Then the black dragon fell, and the mother flew off with her purple wings. They flew to a cave empty. “Hello, Nautilus,” her mother said. Nautilus was very confused. Who was that? She thought. Her mom just smiled at her. Years later, Nautilus grew into a older sea dragon. Her mother decided to teach her how to swim and fly. Then a egg hatched. Nautilus and her mother ran to it. “A night dragon! Just like me, but black!” Nautilus looked at her tiny brother. “I will name him Storm,” her mother said. “Hi Storm,” Nautilus said to the tiny hatchling. She nudged it. “Welcome to the world. I am Nautilus, and i will always be there for you.”

Nautilus loved her tiny brother. He was a dark and silver dragon, with tiny feet and tiny scale like wings. He had a odd purple beard, and purple square eyes. Then a roar sounded in the trees. “Get inside, my babies!” Their mother sang. Nautilus looked up from the water. “Awww…” she said. She walked into the cave, water dripping from her scales. “Now now, Nautilus, you get to swim soon. But i want you to be safe,” her mother said. She put her purple wings over Storm and Nautilus. Nautilus put her wings over storm. Her blue and white wings shimmered. “Storm,” Nautilus whispered. The tiny dragon looked at her. “Yes?” He replied. “Look, cats are trying to drive us out of our home. I’ll be there for you,” she smiled, nudging her brother. “Thanks noble sis,” Storm replied, then they both snuggled near each other. Then cats and wolves came up the hill. five lions and six wolves. Her mother ran to the beasts, as Nautilus followed. “Stay here Storm. HUZZAH!!” Nautilus soon ran to the animals and started attacking. Storm looked around. “Huzzah!” He roared, joining his sister. “Storm!” Nautilus said madly. Two lions padded up toward her brother. She raced in front of her brother. She attacked them. Then wolves attacked her madly because of the dead lions. “Run!” Nautilus ordered. Storm ran into the cave. He shed his black scales as it became blue like Nautilus. “I forgot…” his mom sighed. “That some baby Sea Dragons are black at first.” Nautilus looked up weakly. Then her mother flew Storm away, but they followed. Nautilus snuck into the lake as the dragons slowed back to the cave one step at a time. Then Nautilus, with all her strength and speed, swam out of the lake, jumped, and flipped in mid air onto the wolves and lions. “Your a Sea Dragon?” Nautilus asked. She jumped with joy. “Mom, she’s bleeding! We should help her!” Storm said. “Very kind, Storm,” the mom said. “Into the cave, Nautilus.”

Nautilus saw a egg hatch, and yelled for her mother. “Its hatching!” Nautilus exclaimed. Then a egg hatched, and a screech roared from the forest, scaring the monkeys away. “Our prey!” Storm said. “Ah, well, we still have bits of those deer we caught.” Everyone agreed. “Well, i’m gonna call this thing Screech,” their mother said. “Now, Nautilus,  Storm, hunting now! Since Nautilus had more swim practice than you, Storm, you will hunt on land and she hunts underwater.” The little Sea Dragon sat on a rock madly. Screech, a brown dragon, giggled then screeched again. Then Storm and Nautilus started hunting immediately.

After eating from the hunt, otters came. They all knew otters were rare here, but Nautilus and Storm were interested in a human reading a book of dragons. Nautilus soon walked up to the human. “Hi,” she said politely. Storm bowed. The human ran, dropping his book. Nautilus picked it up and walked home with Storm. They started reading it together. “Check out the Spiderchaos! Whoa!” Storm said. “Wow! All so amazing!” Nautilus said. Then they started reading about their own species. Screech bite the book from Storm’s hand. “Hey! Give it back!!” Nautilus roared. Screech soon screamed, and threw the book into the lake. The otters ran, and Nautilus grabbed the wet book. She growled at Screech, and she screamed again. Her mother came over. “Nautilus!” The mom said. She grabbed Screech and a sharp rock. “No no, mother, don’t!” Nautilus said madly. “No, not this. You see, this baby is too much trouble.” Then her mother flew off to a tundra. Nautilus followed. Her wings of loyalty has been earned from the fight, for protecting her brother. Then she saw Screech sitting on ice all alone, with five other hatchlings. They have been abandoned! How could these mothers just put them and let their own dragon babies die?! Nautilus raged in her head. She grabbed them. They all looked in her eyes, they were thankful to be protected. I will save you from this terrible doom, Nautilus thought, nudging the hatchlings. Her warmth from the scales transported to the hatchling’s bodies. They cooed. And Screech even calmed down for once. She spread her wings, and gave it to a dragon friend she knew, and she trusted. “Oh my, thanks!” The dragon said. Nautilus looked at Screech. “Sorry, little sister. But now you can have a better future, away from a mom who is trying to kill you,” she said. She kissed her sister, then flew off.

“Screech should be dead by now. No more trouble,” the mom said. “I brought her to a good home, and four other hatchlings too,” Nautilus said as she entered the cave. “NAUTILUS! HOW COULD YOU… MAYBE YOU ARE TOO LOYAL AND NOBLE,” her mother roared. “You’re in big trouble. You are getting a DRAGON GROUNDING.”Storm gasped and clapped his talons around his mouth. “Don’t you dare!” He growled. His mother growled, then bit Nautilus. She threw her into the lake. “I was just doing what was right, mother,” Nautilus said weakly. She shed a tear of pain. “This is not okay to do to your daughter.” “Nautilus, its in the history of dragons. Dragons fight and kill.”
“Not me!”
“You should, its a dragon’s DNA.”
“Not mine. So to bad.”
Then her mother calmed down. “Sorry. I am just so cross with you, you shouldn’t have done that.” “It was right, they were gonna starve,” Nautilus said. “You think saving random hatchlings is right?!” Her mother said madly. “Yes, because it protects them,” Nautilus replied. Storm looked up. Then the mother bit Nautilus in the head hardly. Storm had enough, he nibbled on her mother’s tail and threw her. Nautilus looked at Storm, and started to lick him. Then something amazing happened, Storm earned his wings of bravery. He looked at his older sister. “We have to get out of here,” he said. “I mean, our mom tried to kill Screech and hurt you.” Nautilus agreed. Then their mother ran to them, sharp teeth flashing in the moonlight. “Run!” Nautilus ordered to Storm. “Or, fly!” They lifted their wings, and Storm stumbled by his first flight. They raced up to the treetops, and saw their mom coming. They kept on flying, till they were free. Free from a bad mother, freedom filled this air, and so it begins, an adventure where survival starts. No more mother hunting for food, now, they have to become grown together. “Storm, can you go fly and get prey from a nearby island?” Storm nodded, and flew. He looked around, then a black dragon fluttered by. “Egg shell to pass to my island,” the dragon said kindly. Storm held out a black egg shell with blue spots on it. The dragon looked at it carefully. He almost fell into the ocean, gasping. “Son?” He asked. “You're alive?!” “Dad? I am,” Storm replied. “And Nautilus is too. Follow me.”

“Storm!” Nautilus cried out. “Who is that?!” “Your father,” the dragon greeted. Storm and Nautilus hugged him. “Dad! Our mom tried to kill Screech and me!” Nautilus said. He looked at Storm. “Its true!” Storm said quickly. “Take me to her,” dad said.

After a while of flying, they saw the cave, like it was 5 years ago, but it was something different.
A throne with gold, ruby, emerald, and diamond inside it. Her mother roared as a tiny soil dragon walked near her, while she sat on the throne. “Mud, get out of here. Live in a tundra, that is a order,” her mother said. Mud, the soil dragon, quickly dug down. Everyone else gasped at the sight of Nautilus. “The lost heir!” They exclaimed. Then Nautilus thought of how a random monkey, her mother’s friend, said she will become something extraordinary. Something beautiful, something unique, something royal. But this was when they were escaping from the castle, so of course she didn’t know what unique, royal, beautiful, and extraordinary meant. Then her excitement drowned with her mother’s roar, “GUARDS, THE LOST HEIR KNOWS! THROW HER IN THE DUNGEON, WITH MUD.” Then two mighty looking ice dragons threw her in a hole in the dirt. Storm fought off the guards. Nautilus saw a guard push her into bars made out of ice, fire, and metal. There was no escape. Mud started digging down, but metal was everywhere. “Hi, i’m Mud. Welcome to the dungeon.” Mud sighed at the part of “Dungeon.” “My mom trapped me!” Nautilus exclaimed. “Lost heir, you can save the dragon land. We have to escape first,” Mud said simply. He added “We need help to burn these metal though, they give us a chemical in the dirt food and water that makes us can’t breath fire or anything like that!” Nautilus thought. Storm could help, but he is going to have to glide down so he won’t touch the chemicals in the dirt.

Earlier, Nautilus stayed on a rock that didn’t smell like chemicals. She soon threw a mad fireball at the dirt a couple hours later. Mud gasped. “Hang on, the metal is gone! Anymore fire to damage the bars?” Mud asked. “No,” Nautilus replied honestly. So Mud started to dig. “Good luck, Mud,” Nautilus said. Mud smiled and kissed Nautilus. Nautilus soon got tired of balancing, and she layed on the dirt. She didn’t care about the chemicals, then she heard Mud in the dirt. “Hey, it can take up your energy and sometimes your strength if you lay on that stuff,” he said. Nautilus quickly put a bunch of rocks (with no chemicals) in a line, and laid on those. Mud got up, and he climbed to the hole. Nautilus waited patiently. This will all be over soon, she thought.

But her mother still plotted deadly weapons to use on the heir. You see, she wanted to stay as queen, and she didn’t want her daughter taking the throne. Storm looked in the hole. “Nautilus!” He screeched lightly, so his mother didn’t hear him. “What happened to you, Storm and Mud?” Nautilus asked. Mud had got a scar ever since he went up, and Storm had his tail broken. “Oh no Storm, you can’t fly! Why do i let this happen to your little brother!” “Its fine. Mud said i glide and free you?” Storm replied. Nautilus suddenly covered the hole with dirt, and Mud and Storm hid. A guard was coming. “A hole. Yuck,” the guard said. He put stone all over it. They waited till he waddled away, then Nautilus turned to them. “The easy way is now blocked. You have no choice, boys,” Nautilus said. Mud only came out with really wet lava, as it sucked into the dirt and stayed. Storm glided closer, and destroyed the bars. Nautilus got up from her rock bed, and hopped with joy. “Now what?” Mud asked. Then an alarm went off, and they all froze in fear. They were paralyzed. They didn’t know what to do. I don’t want Mud or Storm to die. I am starting to like…. love Mud. And i love Storm. I don’t know what i would do without them, Nautilus thought.

Mud’s scar quickly became his orange color. And his snout had a new brown glow on it. “Step into the moonlight,” a guard ordered. They left the hole, and the queen sat in her throne. “I got no choice but to kill my own kids,” she sang. She attacked Nautilus with her huge claws, as Nautilus fought back. The queen screamed in agony by a cut in her neck, then attacked Nautilus fast. She threw her on the ground and sat on her. “Where is Storm? I need to kill him, too,” the queen said. Storm was gone. “Go escape, my tiny Storm,” Nautilus coughed weakly. “Shut up” her mother (or the queen) roared. “Get off of her,” Mud said calmly. “No,” the queen replied. “You see, your her age. You can be king. But now it won’t happen,” she snarled, squeezing Nautilus even more. Then a voice came from a rock. “Psst, Nautilus! Push the rock,” it said. Nautilus pushed it, and Storm came out. He flew in the night sky, his wings blending. He made his scales disappear and changed his color to a red and green, like a T-Rex. He made his mustache disappear into his snout.  He made a low, dinosaur roar and the queen looked up. “DINOSAUR! KILL IT!” She ordered. She jumped off of Nautilus and grabbed a sword. Storm’s tail was healing, but he couldn’t go too far, or too high. Nautilus got up, and saw Storm almost fall. Then something grabbed her. Mud, then something grabbed Mud. “Dad! What about Storm?!” Nautilus roared madly. “For now, you guys need to heal,” her dad replied. “No!” Nautilus and Mud said at the same time. This time they sounded aggressive. But they couldn’t get out of her father’s grip. “I am sorry Storm and Mud, for showing weakness,” Nautilus said quietly.

Mud’s brown glow faded, as he fell asleep when they landed on a island. Her father bent a tree and put it over Mud, as he fell asleep. Nautilus grabbed some leaves and put it over him. But before he went to sleep, she asked him a question. “Mud, why does your brown spots come and when?” She asked. “Well, it means i’m stressed, aggressive, or if its night and i need light,” he replied. “Do you love me?” Nautilus asked. “Of course. Good night,” Mud said. He slowly closed his eyes. Nautilus wasn’t tired, though. She went on the leaves of the tree, and stared at space. Wind roared, then a dragon was in the sky. She’s beautiful, thought Nautilus. And she could speak to her, because Mud was asleep, and her father was hunting for fish. “H Hello?” Nautilus spoke, nervously. The dragon gasped and turned back. “Who raised you?” She asked. Nautilus looked at this dragon curiously.
She silently hid her wings and blended them in, but the dragon in the endless sky saw. “Nautilus..?” The dark red dragon asked. “Is that you? Are you sure its not a Halloween costume of you?” Nautilus blinked. “Its me, besides who would dress up as me?!” She scolded. “It is you. Your voice was like a beautiful star, and it still is,” the dragon said. “Mom? I knew that queen wasn’t my mother! That dragon muncher dinosaur killer!” Nautilus roared, trying not to wake up Mud. Nautilus saw this dragon meant no harm, for this dragon was her mom, so she showed her wings. “Beautiful, just glamorous,” her mother said. “Are you dead?” Nautilus asked. “No, just on the wind and clouds,” her mother said. She stepped down next to her daughter. “Who is the soil dragon? And where are my other eggs?” “Mud and Storm is.. he risked his life for ours,” Nautilus said. She started to cry. “Shh. Lets go end this bad queen once and for all, but in the morning,” her mother said, looking at the sleeping dragon Mud. Then her father came back. “Lily!” He exclaimed. They hugged and nudged each other. “Dad, then who helped me escape!?” Nautilus demanded. “Your aunt,” her father replied simply. “But since she has no daughter, your next in line to the throne.” Nautilus was stunned. So that’s why the hard punishments from her. She was not her real mom, and she wishes to stay as queen.

Lily, who was a Eastern dragon, didn’t have her pearls this time. She traveled on clouds instead. Mud woke up in the cold ancient morning. “Ahh!” He screeched. “Calm down, Mud. This is my mom’s way of traveling,” Nautilus said. Then the wind picked them up. Nautilus swore she fell off, but she stayed on her cloud. Then the cave appeared in sight. “Dive!” Lily said. They dived down, and then they spread their wings and flew. Then they dived down, flapping endlessly. Frank, the dad of Nautilus, landed on the queen. “You!” He spat madly. “Don’t go near my hatchlings ever again!” The queen just waved, threw him, and smiled. “Nah,” she said kindly. Lily threw pearls at her, and wrestled her. Mud and Nautilus ran to Storm. Storm was serving the guards with folded wings and a half gone tail. She looked at him. “Storm!” She sighed. “You're okay.” Storm looked at her. “Yes, but she is going to kill me tomorrow,” he said. “And if she sees you, she will kill you.” Nautilus spoke. “Storm, i met my real mom. She is fighting our aunt.” Storm gasped. “I should have known. You guys got to get out of here,” he said. “You're coming with me and Nautilus,” Mud snorted madly. “I can’t fly. My wings and tail,” Storm sighed. Nautilus put Storm on her back while Mud fought the guards. “BRING HIM TO SAFETY!” Mud roared. Nautilus thought. “Nope,” she answered, picking up Mud with her talons. She raced to her parents, and Lily went on clouds. Her father was still fighting. “He said I bring you to safety,” she said. Nautilus smiled, and followed her mother. But Nautilus had to come back for her father.

After a bit of flying, a dragon caught sight. A green and brown dragon with yellow patterns. She looked at them as if they were trouble. “Hello,” she smiled. Seems nice, unlike most dragons, Nautilus thought. “Hello,” Nautilus replied, confused. It was getting dark, and Mud got stressed out quickly. “Lets go, what if this dragon is a killer like your mom…aunt!” He said. “Aunt, and that’s not nice to a kind dragon!” Storm snapped. Then the green dragon said quietly, “Follow.” Then she dived to the land below. “Where are we going?!” Nautilus panted, trying to catch up with the dragon. “To my kingdom. My name is Naturaleza, and i am the Nature Dragon princess,” the green dragon replied. Nautilus blinked. New dragon princess?! Nature? What is going on?! Nautilus followed, and she was surprised. A kingdom on Earth! Not in the sky. Maybe this was because it was an Nature Kingdom. “I hate Queen Darkrose,” Naturaleza muttered. “Because she was vain and stayed for the throne, a war is happening!” Naturaleza laid on a bed and stared at the ceiling endlessly. Queen Darkrose, Nautilus thought. Her aunt! “That’s my aunt! What happened? What did she do?” Nautilus was full of questions, and Naturaleza could answer them! “Hey uh, what is with Queen Darkrose. She is my aunt and since she has no daughter, i’m next for the throne. But she wants to stay and-” Nautilus spoke, then Naturaleza interrupted her. “You? Next in line for the Sea throne? She is not even a Sea Dragon and she stole the throne. We need you. You see, she is bring harm to the land, killing the innocent and helping the guilty. We got to fight her. War.” “Can we sleep first?” Storm yawned. They all agreed. It was dark, and they need to save their energy for the war.

They slept and Nautilus wondered in the night. Why does she need the throne of the Sea Dragons? Why can’t she just steal the Night Dragon throne?

“You!” Nautilus roared when they saw Queen Dark Rose. “Oh no, go away,” her aunt groaned. Why so down? Nautilus asked in her head. She accidently showed that in her face. “Ugh, you won’t understand. Why? Because you have your precious wings,” Dark suddenly answered. She started to climb a rocky cliff. “Stay here,” Nautilus ordered to Lily, Mud, Storm, and Naturaleza. They looked confused, as she flew up. Her mother was up. “So, what did happen to your wings?” Nautilus asked, sitting right next to her. “Pfft. Got eaten by what? Lousy killing dinosaurs,” Dark answered. “I couldn’t steal the Night throne. It was too far away, and too close guarded. I took the Sea Throne instead. I need one to be protected from being killed from the same T-rex, because he is out for me again.” Then Nautilus gasped. Its all making sense, Nautilus thought. “Oh. Why can’t i be Queen? I will still protect you,” she asked. She actually felt bad for her aunt. “Come. Lets change this, and the war,” Nautilus suddenly said. “R Really?” Dark sniffled. “Anything for you, queen.” Then Nautilus put her on her back and flew down. Naturaleza growled and hissed when she saw Queen Dark Rose. “Calm down sister,” Dark snapped. Naturaleza stopped, and hugged her. “Wait,” Naturaleza said, accidently pushing Dark into some mud. “Are you still going to fight?” Dark got up. “Well with that T-Rex that showed up. The one who ate my wings,” she replied. “That was me!” Storm blurted out. “I did that for Mud and Nautilus to have enough time to escape!” Then Storm clapped his talons around his mouth. “Sorry, aunt,” he muttered. Then they flew away, to where the dinosaurs roam. “I hope you remember the dinosaur looks,” Mud said. “I do. So lets kill it,” Dark roared.

Then Dark screeched a battle cry as a T-Rex came past. “You,” the T-Rex roared. “Killed my wife!” Nautilus suddenly turned her head to her aunt. Which side am i on?! She thought. She looked at her aunt. Then the T-Rex. “Why can’t any of us have any harmony?” She asked. Then Dark roared. “I told you, its a dragon’s DNA. Dragons kill, and so do dinosaurs,” she said madly. Smoke came out of her snout. Nautilus sighed. “Nautilus is right,” Naturaleza suddenly said. Storm, Lily, and Mud suddenly nodded. What about dad? Suddenly, Nautilus remembered. “I’ll come back, T-Rex,” she said. She flew off. Dark got on Lily. “What?” She said. “Go to her. Here is some pearls.” Lily suddenly flew, as the others followed. “Dad!” Nautilus roared. A black figure layed, his wings over his dead body. She put her head over his chest, but heard no pump. She cried, waiting for a reply. No reply hit her ears. Nautilus clutched her father around her. “And this time it is real death…” She said. Then Dark saw Nautilus and Frank. Lily ran to him. “Frank get up!” Then Mud roared with Storm on his back, “T-REX!” And yes, the same T-Rex came, and Dark’s sea and night dragon soldiers at his side. “Attack it!” Dark ordered. The soldiers stayed still. “Dark Rose,” one began. “QUEEN DARK ROSE!” Dark roared. “Anyway, TR here said he can give us a good future if we kill you,” the soldier finished. “FLY!” Nautilus roared. Again it was a escape, but this massive dinosaur might catch them. It was risky to fly. But she would do it for them. For her family.

Chapter 13, a sacrifice.

Nautilus looked side from side, her friends and family near her, gliding, flapping, into the free air. Then Mud disappeared, then Storm, Lily, Dark, then Nautilus fell from the air. Naturaleza came diving down, then got captured in a net. She roared in agony, as some soldiers brang diamond tipped spears. “Stop!” Nautilus called, as she saw all of her friends in nets and chains, being dragged away. “Why take them.. when you can take leader?” The soldiers freed her friends, as they came over to Nautilus. “No,” Naturaleza said. “You’re not sacrificing, are you?” Nautilus slowly looked on the ground. “Its for your freedom…” she said. “NO!” Dark, Storm, Mud, Lily, and Naturaleza said at once. Then they grabbed Nautilus into nets, and spears were circled around her. “Fly! Get out of here!” Nautilus commanded, as the friends flew off.

Life was hard in a cage, full of chemicals in the dirt. They chained her up, and gave her food that has been halfway decomposed or halfway eaten. It was gross, and the water was dirty. How could Nautilus escape this time? She didn’t have Mud’s smartness, Storm’s cleverness, Lily’s strongness, Dark’s massive fireballs, or Naturaleza’s amazing gliding. Maybe if someone could come back. But who? And Nautilus didn’t want any of her friends to die trying to save her. Mud was having a hard time. They found an enormous cave near amazing plains and grass, full of yummy rabbits and zebra. Mud paced around the cave, worried and depressed. “We have to get her back,” he said. “You heard her, don’t come back. Fly, go away,” Dark replied. “I don’t know, i miss my little loyal daughter,” Lily sighed then added, “and Frank.” Then Storm spoke. “Lets get her back!” He roared loudly. They all grabbed diamond spears they took from soldiers, and yelled, “HUZZAH!”

Chapter 14, the great escape

Nautilus laid on rocks madly. Then she saw a soldier guarding her cage. “What did TR promise you?” She asked. “I will not give any information to a prisoner,” he growled. Nautilus freed one of her arms and grabbed him. “Tell me or i will put you in this cage,” she growled. “Okay okay, he said freedom. Freedom from any king or queen,” he replied quickly. “We do this so he doesn’t kill our family.” Why does everything in dragon history have to be kill each other? Nautilus raged in her head. “Look, if you let me out, i will stop this,” Nautilus said calmly. Then her friends bust into the dirt. “Mud? Lily? Dark? Naturaleza? ....Storm?” Nautilus gasped. “What are you doing here?” Then they started attacking the Guard, as Storm snuck and took the key. He flew and freed Nautilus. “Chemicals!” Mud roared. “Now we can’t fly,” he said. Dark was staying in the dirt with no chemicals, or the dirt they dug through. “Follow me,” she said. She went back to the tunnel, as the guard followed. “Wait!” He panted. “My name is Tundra. I am a Ice Dragon. I wish to join you.” They all nodded, as he waddled to them in excitement. Then they dug up, and a lake was there. “Enough water to clear up the chemicals,” Dark said. “Wait, why wouldn’t it work with our water dish?” Nautilus asked. “Too little water,” Tundra and Mud said together. Then they flew to TR, with Dark on Tundra’s back. Then soldiers gasped, as they came over the seven dragons. “TR, this can stop,” Nautilus began. “If i take my place as queen.” TR snapped and did an aggressive snarl. “I see kindness in your heart, TR. I will still protect you, if you just let me. Follow me, follow us,” Nautilus ended. TR sighed. “I guess you’re right. Take it,” TR roared. Nautilus sat on the throne, as rain stopped. She spread her wings over the six dragons and TR. “I don’t need any guards. No prisoners. No killing, for we can make this place a better place!” She announced. Everyone cheered.

Chapter 15, New Life

Life sure has changed, as Nautilus became queen. No kills from anyone, as harmony spread the land. Dangers still roamed in the jungle, for the throne. But greedy dragons were no match for the team. Then Nautilus picked up her father’s body. She put it in fire, as it burned in the night, shimmering and throwing flecks of fire. Dragons all around danced over it, as a spirit came out, as a fire dragon, black, purple, her father, came out. “Good job Nautilus,” her father said. Then he faded.

Nautilus followed some of his advice he told her. Like “Treat others the way your suppose to be treated.” She followed that one well. She stared at the stars and saw her father in the sky. Mud became king, while Storm was still Prince. Then one morning, Nautilus woke up. She stared at the dawn. Then she got a message from John, a tiny Sea Dragon. “A queen is coming for a challenge, be prepared,” he said. Then he fluttered off. Were prepared, Nautilus thought, looking at her friends, Lily, Storm, Mud, Dark, Tundra, Naturaleza, and TR.

About the Author

Kylie Davis loves dragons, but in the last chapters her computer has stopped working with uploading photos. She was inspired by the author of Wings of Fire, Tui t. Sutherland.

“Me and my friend online roleplayed the first three chapters on a game. She was Dark and Storm, and i was Nautilus. I changed a lot though. I give some credit to her :)

Characters, and personalities

TR: A T-Rex who ate Dark’s wings, as he wanted revenge for Dark, because she killed his wife. He realized, though, he needed backup. When Nautilus became queen, he stopped being rude to Dark.

Nautilus: Loyal and Noble to friends, this sea dragon is the daughter of an Eastern Dragon named Lily. Dark is her aunt. Loves Mud and Storm.

Storm: Kind and loyal, this sea dragon was black when a hatchling. He soon grew, and helped his friends as much as possible, even if he was the smallest. Sisters with Nautilus, loves Nautilus and Naturaleza.

Mud: Kind to friends, and helps them. Loves Nautilus.

Tundra: Used to be a fierce guard, joined the team of dragons to help their world. Can be arrogant at times. Loves all of them.

Naturaleza: Nature in Spanish, this is the Nature Princess. She likes Storm, and has high spirits. She tries to cheer everyone up, even in bad times.

Lily: The mother of Nautilus and Storm, wife of Frank. she is a Eastern Dragon, who rides with clouds for flight. Sometimes uses pearls. Loves her kids. Kind.

Frank: The dad of Nautilus and Storm, husband of Lily. He loves his kids and Lily. Kind and fierce.

John: The messenger of Nautilus, fast and vain.

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus 2

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus 2.

Written by Kylie Davis.

Prologue. The Queen of the Swamp.

Nautilus woke up, as air seemed cold this morning. It was very early, but nothing was early to a queen like Nautilus. Nautilus had an amazing story. She was treated by her mother badly, so Nautilus and her little brother, Storm, who was also a Sea dragon, flew off. They met their dad, Nautilus fell in love with a soil dragon who was her age, named Mud, became friends with the Nature princess Naturaleza, met her real mother Lily, and something so depressing we don’t want to add on. She saw Storm sleeping with Mud, curled up in moss. She nudged him, as he shot his head up as quick as possible. It startled Nautilus a little, as Storm woke up Mud. “Huh?” He yawned. “John said another queen wishes to challenge me for the throne of the Sea Dragons. He also said they don’t want to go to the one underwater, so… lets get trained,” Nautilus replied. Storm stretched. “I will go get Tundra and Dark,” he said. “And Naturaleza.” He sighed happily when he said the name Naturaleza, the Nature Princess. “Looks like you have to wake up TR,” Nautilus laughed at Mud. Mud groaned. “That guy can crush me on accident,” he said, moving. Then Nautilus saw Storm and Naturaleza with glass bottles left by humans, and they were digging for roots. “Huh?” Nautilus asked. “We are making Root Beer,” Naturaleza responded. “Hurry up then,” Nautilus ordered. Then a dragon came past. “I came to challenge you,” she said. Nautilus felt like something was familiar to this dragon. Then she gasped in surprise as the queen greeted herself. “My name is Screech, queen of the Swamp.”

Chapter 1. we meet again…

Nautilus ran to her. “Screech! Are you okay? Did you get a dragon grounding? Are you wounded?” She asked. Dragon grounding was terrible, its when the parent fights its hatchlings if it did something bad. “I’m fine. Who are you?” Screech snapped. “I saved you from the tundra. As you see, i am Nautilus,” Nautilus greeted herself. Screech gasped like Nautilus did earlier. Screech jumped. “I thought you and mom and Storm left me!” She exclaimed. “I thought mom killed you because she almost killed me!” “Well, i did get a dragon grounding. But anything for the family and friends,” Nautilus purred. Dark tried to stay away from the two sisters as far as possible. Screech saw Dark and did this snarling sound in her throat. Nautilus felt bad for Dark. She did what was right, sort of. But giving it to somebody trustful was better. She patted and hugged her sister, endlessly. “I missed you,” Nautilus said. Screech did this massive screech, as her villagers panicked. “Huh? What is going on?” Nautilus and Storm asked at the same time. “Intruders wanting to fight,” Screech replied. She grabbed a spear. Then Lions and Tigers came. She saw dragons racing. Nautilus made her friends stay. “Its fine,” Tundra yawned, but Nautilus didn’t care. She raced to Screech. Then she saw a vicious tiger claw her. “NO!” Nautilus roared. Screech’s leg was bleeding hard, as Nautilus stood right next to her. Then something knocked her into mid-air. Nautilus screamed and fell in agony. She saw Screech retreating to a cave. “Run!” Nautilus roared to her. Then Nautilus felt her eyes close. She opened her eyes a peak as a snake with the cats bit her with poison. She closed her eyes again, in agony and defeat.

“Nautilus!” A voice roared. “GET UP YOU!” Then Nautilus thought of her life, replaying in her mind. She was born, protected Storm, made friends, found love, saw her dead father, then this day. Screech retreating to a safe place with a clawed leg, bleeding endlessly. Then she saw a figure in the blackness. A turtle? Storm? No… no! It was the snake, as poison came on her, and she saw nothing more. “Please wake up!” A sweet girly voice said softly. She felt something pat her head, like a scaly paw, soothing her head softly. Another voice said, “be brave, young one.” “Bring her to safety!” Mud roared quickly. Dark, Tundra, and Naturaleza grabbed her.

Nautilus woke up, in fear. She saw her in a bed of flowers on a river. She saw TR and Mud guarding her. “Nautilus!” Mud yelled in happiness! “Oh my, you’re alive! We were all so afraid, even the queen Screech.” Nautilus blinked. “Was that Screech? Who was the other voice?” She yawned. “ I I don’t know,” TR replied. John raced in like lightning in the sky. “The queen of the Swamp wishes to see you,” he said, then flew away. “Nautilus!” Screech roared. Then a tiger pounced in. The one that flipped her into the air! He growled. “GET IT!” Mud ordered, as TR pounced on it madly. Nautilus felt the claw swipe, as she clawed it back. But the tiger clawed the poison, as she passed out. GET UP! Her brain screamed. She woke up. She saw the tiger screaming in agony. “MEOOOW RRRR!” He screamed, as if he was saying “It feels like acid in my claws!” Nautilus put him in the river, then he ran away. She sighed. “You're welcome,” she yelled. “Mreow,” the tiger replied softly. Then he bounded off to the forest. Lily bounced into the room. Lily was hunting, then got the message from John. “Are you okay?” She asked, hugging and licking Nautilus. “I’m fine, is Screech alright?” Nautilus replied.

Chapter 2, The Enemy of Screech.

Screech got up. “Hey uh, i need to talk to Nautilus,” she said. She glared at Lily, Mud, and TR. “Alone,” she added. The three dragons went outside of the cave and river. “Look, i need to tell you something. See the cats come often to fight?” She asked. “Yea,” Nautilus replied. “They are mad as our family. I studied, and it seems like the cats are in fear of an ancient warrior in our family. He died of a rockslide, as the cats meowed in happiness and roamed the land. Soon dragons fought their way out, but they still roam today, like earlier,” Screech finished, then sighed. “They have been following me. If i were not here, you wouldn’t get hurt.” Then she bounced away, then spread her wings for takeoff. “SCREECH!” Nautilus roared, but she flew off too far away to hear her. “Come back…”

Nautilus ate her rabbit for breakfast with depression. “Why did she leave?” She asked Mud and Storm, at the table. Dark and Tundra soon walked into the room. “By the way, Lily and Naturaleza went hunting,” Tundra said. “And that big old lump is sleeping.” Nautilus didn’t seem to care about Tundra insulting TR, for some odd reason she was too depressed to care. She soon started picking at the ribs of the bunny with her claws. “Stop it,” Mud snapped, in his always serious tone. She stopped, then spread her wings. Naturaleza came in. “Oh no, no no no no no. Nautilus, your staying here!” She roared, but Nautilus jumped outside, and started to fly. “NAUTILUS!” Lily called, as she bounced behind Naturaleza. She saw Screech, the brown dragon flying fastly. “Come back!” Nautilus roared. But it was just her imagination. Then she saw a swamp. Nautilus dived down, but she didn’t see Screech anywhere. She saw a massive purple dragon grab her throat, and dive her down. Nautilus coughed when she let go. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” The dark dragon roared. Nautilus got to escape from her grip, and flew back to her kingdom, but the purple dragon was following her. Dark saw Nautilus flying, then the purple dragon. “FROST!” Dark growled, pouncing on the large dragon. Soldiers of both sides started to fight. Frost, the purple dragon, attacked the tiny dragons easily, but Dark was the perfect match. After scratching each other, Frost spread her wings in agony. “I WILL COME BACK FOR REVENGE!” She roared at Dark, then flew off.

The other dragons put Dark in the bed Nautilus was laying on yesterday. Nautilus helped Storm pick out flowers. Tundra and TR guarded, Naturaleza and Lily cooked their kill they got earlier, and Storm cuddled his aunt.

Chapter 3, Mud!!!

“Are you sure you want me to come?” Mud asked. “Its always good for backup,” Nautilus replied. Nautilus and Mud raced in the air, wings flapping, searching for her sister. Storm soon came toward them. “They told me to come with you!” He smiled. Nautilus nodded. It was good for backup. Just in case. They saw the swamp, and dived down. “Screech!” Nautilus called. “Screech!” “N Nautilus?” A voice called. “Screech!” Both three yelled. They ran to the voice, and saw Screech sitting in a cage. “What happened?” Storm asked. “Frost, my enemy, got me,” Screech sighed. “She attacked my village,” Nautilus replied. “I will get you out.” Then a roar rumbled, as Frost growled. “YOU, QUEEN,” she pointed at Nautilus. “Get out.” Nautilus growled, “its not your village!” She roared. “Tsk tsk. Its near my village, the tundra. And i am going to take Screech’s village. So easy to fight her,” Frost replied. Frost roared as ice dragons stomped on the ground, as the Earth groaned and rumbled. Then an avalanche came in sight! “RUN!” Nautilus roared. They tried to fly, but their wings got blasted by Frost’s ice breath, as it turned to ice. “GO IN FRONT OF ME!” Mud roared. The avalanche came closer. A roar of agony hit Storm’s and Nautilus’s ears. They raced back. The avalanche has stopped. They saw a clump of snow, as they dug it off. “Mud?” Nautilus asked. Storm cuddled near Mud, trying to warm him up. “MUD!” Storm roared in his ear. No reply. Nautilus got so upset, she slapped him. No movement. Frost was snickering in joy at the dragons. “NOW GO!” She roared. Nautilus hugged Storm as they flew away.

Chapter 4, Avenging.

Nautilus and Storm returned at Midnight. They sighed. “You okay? Where is Mud?” TR asked. TR was the only one awake at Midnight. Nautilus sighed. She was about to tell him, but stopped. She walked to her bed sadly.

Nautilus had the worst nightmares ever. Mud’s death kept on popping up in her mind. She woke up. Storm was having a bad time, until he watched a puppet show, which made him smile, as he slept happily. Nautilus knew where to go. She grabbed a book a guard gave her, and read it. She flipped to the myth of The Death Cave.

The Death Cave.
When a dragon dies, he or she goes to a cave. The cave is on the edge of the Tundra of Frost.
Their loved ones come to speak with them, or to stay in touch. They are ghosts, but they still have emotions and feelings. Dragons say its a rumor. Its very hard to find, because of Frost and how much it snows. The cave can be covered with snow. The Death Cave is grey on the outside, but when inside, its a dark blue.

Nautilus had to find Mud. She didn’t care if was on the “edge of the Tundra of Frost.” She missed Mud. Nautilus got out of her bed made out of bear fur, and spread her wings. They were warm. Now she could fly. She flew up in the sky, trying not to wake up a soul. She saw the tundra, and looked for a massive lump of snow. She felt herself get colder. She saw Frost sleeping. Maybe she could pull a trick after she sees Mud. Nautilus grabbed Mud’s dead, cold body, and walked into the cave. She put him on the water, as wind roared. Mud’s spirit appeared. Nautilus felt like she was going to cry. “Nautilus?” Mud asked. “Oh Mud..” Nautilus sighed. She stepped forward to hug him, as she cuddled him. “That avalanche killed you.” Mud gasped. “I miss you,” Nautilus cried. “Oh, don’t be upset. Death is a whole new beginning in life,” Mud replied. “But, you're no longer with me,” Nautilus cried even more. Mud frowned. “I will always be with you, no matter what is in my way, like death,” he replied. He kissed Nautilus slowly. He started to fade. “WAIT!” Nautilus roared. Mud stopped. “Can we talk again? And give me some swords for Frost,” she said. “Okay,” Mud said. He gave Nautilus a sharp sword. Nautilus walked out, and kissed Mud goodbye. She walked up to a hill silently, sword in mouth. The guards were asleep. Terrible guarders, Nautilus thought. She walked to the giant sleeping purple dragon, and raised her sword. A guard yawned. “STOP! HAULT!” He yelled. Nautilus didn’t hesitate. Then Frost woke up in madness. Nautilus dropped the sword on her throat. Blood splattered everywhere, as Frost lay dead. Nautilus ran off, as soldiers and guards flew after her. She hid in the snow. She waited, then walked to home. There, Mud. I avenged you. You can now rest in peace, now that Frost is dead, Nautilus thought.

Chapter 5, Its not over yet.

Nautilus stared up at the stars, as dawn came. She raced home, as guards followed her, swords and spears out in their mouths. Nautilus soon felt herself get cold, as she rolled down the snowy hill. She was trapped, as a rockfall that happened earlier blocked her way to the swamp. She saw guards coming closer, and her wings were numb. Nautilus had no choice, but to fight. Then a spear slashed her side. Nautilus roared in agony and madness, and tripped them with her tail. She raced up, and started climbing. Nautilus gasped, then had an idea. She hid in the water of the soggy swamp. Eyes closed, ears listening, Nautilus got ready. She peeked and saw the guards, then dived down, swam up, and jumped in mid-air. Nautilus felt like she was free from gravity, without flapping wings endlessly. She landed, bottom on all the guards. Then she ran off, and flew away. The water made her wings warmer.

“There you are, Nautilus!” Lily called when she saw Nautilus in the sky of dawn. Nautilus fell down, her wings were tired. She has been flapping all morning and night. “I I I… KILLED FROST!” Nautilus panted. “What?” A voice called. Storm walked to Nautilus. “Where is Mud?” Lily asked. Storm started to speak. “He is De…” then Nautilus cut him off. “He is de..corating! You see, he got lost in an island, and he is decorating his new home while trying to find his way back!” Nautilus spoke. She knew that was a lie, but she didn’t want to tell them that Mud was dead, and it was her fault. He asked if he should come, and since Nautilus said yes, his life was up. She sighed. “My enemy is gone?” Dark asked, followed by TR. “Amazing job, tiny one,” he said, patting Nautilus on the head. “Word please, Nautilus,” Storm roared after all the chattering about Mud. He saw the others stare at them. “Privately,” Storm snapped. They soon walked away. “Dude, why not tell them that Mud is dead?” Storm asked. “It was my fault, because i told him ‘backup is good.’ And i wasted his life,” Nautilus sighed. Storm patted Nautilus on the shoulder. “He died for you. He loves you..” Storm said simply. “We shall never forget him… Well, lets go tell the others!” “NO!” Nautilus roared. She roared it so loud that the others turned around, and that the trees shook. “No,” she repeated. “Fine,” Storm replied. “But you’re going to have to when its important.” Lily soon walked over. “Nautilus, Storm, come with me. We are looking for Mud,” she said. Nautilus and Storm looked at each other in fear. “Come, my hatchlings!” Lily roared. She bounced on a cloud. Nautilus and Storm followed. They came to the tundra, as Nautilus saw Frost lay. Then Lily spotted the giant lump of the cave. “Lets explore,” she said. “I said he is in an ISLAND!” Nautilus groaned. Lily didn’t listen. Then there was a gasp of surprise. Mud lay dead with roses. “MUD!” Lily roared. “Alright, you were with him before he died. WHAT HAPPENED?” Nautilus sighed. “He asked if he wanted to come, i said its good for backup. And now he got killed by an avalanche by Frost, so i killed Frost,” Nautilus explained. “Its true,” Storm said when she finished. Everyone believed Storm, since he was kind and responsible. “Alright, but i am not telling the others yet,” Lily replied. Nautilus felt her soul spring up. Storm sighed in disbelief. They walked out, but a voice roared. “YOU! ITS NOT OVER YET. I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE IN YOUR KINGDOM!”

Chapter 6, Meeting the killer.

Nautilus didn’t feel good that night, when she was sleeping. YOU! ITS NOT OVER YET! I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE IN YOUR KINGDOM! The words from the anonymous dragon rung in her head. Nautilus woke up and found herself getting carried into a cage with Lily and Storm. “STORM WAKE UP!” Nautilus ordered. “Oh, Naturaleza. I am coming back for you,” Storm muttered in sleep. “MOM!” Nautilus roared. “Is the cake ready, Frank?” Lily said in sleep. Then they have been thrown, as the other two woke up. “You should have woke me up,” Storm hissed at Nautilus. Nautilus sighed in frustration. “Hi,” a voice called. Screech! “Congratulations on killing Frost. But her prince is coming for her place,” she sighed. “Frost killed that orange dragon, Mud. I killed her for him,” Nautilus explained. Screech gasped. “Brave and Loyal,” Screech said, patting Nautilus. Nautilus smiled at her little sister. Storm started digging. “THE SWAMP!” He exclaimed. Then Storm screamed in agony. “Ugh sharks,” Lily said madly. Nautilus started chomping the metal madly. Storm started licking blood off of him, and Nautilus looked around. She grabbed a stick. “Oh, i love knitting!” Screech said. “Lily or Mom gave me some thread!” Perfect, we shall get out now and protect our villages, Nautilus thought. Nautilus made a loop in the thread, and stuck it out. She grabbed the key, and grabbed it. Lily grabbed the key from Nautilus and opened up the cage. They raced out, and spread their wings. “Alert on cage 2189, escapers!” An announcer roared. Soon the Prince of Frost tackled them in mid-air! “You seriously think you can beat ME?” He roared. “I  killed your mom..soo” Nautilus replied. “I am STRONGER than that idiot,” the Prince roared. “I AM PRINCE GLACIER. ALL OF MY ENEMY’S DIED FROM JUST LOOKING AT ME.” Screech and Storm couldn’t stop laughing out loud. “You must be so ugly then!” Storm blurted. Glacier snarled at the tiny Sea Dragon. Storm suddenly hugged Screech and protected her. Glacier just rolled his eyes in disappointment. “Your lizards are lame,” Glacier said to Lily. “You should change that. AND YOU!” He pointed at Nautilus. “I read about you. Queen Nautilus. I am coming soon to take your village, for killing my mother.” “I did it for Mud!” Nautilus roared, but Glacier ignored her.

They flew back to the village. Nautilus stood on her throne. “VILLAGE MEETING! VILLAGE MEETING!” She roared. Dragons ran from every house. “The king is gone,” Nautilus sighed. “Mud died of an avalanche. I killed Frost in return. Now Prince Glacier is coming for revenge. We shall protect the young and attack. We shall not let the Prince take over OUR village!” Dark walked up. Nautilus didn’t see her! Oh no! “It can’t be true..” Dark said. Nautilus looked at the grass then her aunt. “Yes. I’m sorry. We need a king,” she replied. Dark made this terrible groan of disbelief. Storm looked in the corner of the shadows, his scales blending in well. “They forgot, i’m the new king,” he sighed, packing away. “Maybe Nautilus DOESN’T care for me after all.” Then Storm spread his wings, and silently flew at the next dawn.

Chapter 7, A New Home, a new look.

Man, they don’t care, huh? Storm thought while flying. Then a noise caught his attention. “W Who’s there!?” Storm stuttered. A dragon who came out looked familiar. “Want to join the ice army?” It was the tundra princess! Storm read about her, her name was Princess Ice. “I’m Storm,” Storm replied, shaking Ice’s hand in greeting. “And i will join. Queen Nautilus, or ‘queen’ doesn’t care about me, and i’m her little brother!” “I’m sorry about that, Storm. But you can be treated well here, just follow me,” Ice said.

They went into the Tundra. Storm felt numb from coldness. “To live here, you need to adapt, and be used to the temperature, here is the lab,” Ice said. A snow-covered cave sat in the tundra. “LAB,” Storm read from the sign. They walked in. “Okay, you need to be an Ice dragon. No more Sea swimming!” Ice exclaimed, as she tied Storm to a machine. “W what?” Storm stuttered. “It won’t hurt!” Ice replied. But it did. Shocks, and terror. Storm felt his DNA change, and he even felt where it might be in his body. Talons hurt as they got sharper and stronger, as his head changed, with ice fangs. He was still dark blue, but it felt like the cold was nothing. He slowly stepped out of the machine. “Complete!” Ice exclaimed happily. Storm felt odd, but he listened to Ice, as she was much more nicer than Glacier, the tundra prince. “Now, lets learn some training.”
It was like never before, actually learning HOW TO KILL! Storm was getting stronger every minute. Storm would hunt most of the times for the Tundra, and never failed. He learned how to use his new abilities, then earned it. A golden spear, very powerful. Storm loved his new life, but his family was worried about him, and he didn’t know.

Chapter 8, long lost siblings.

Storm went out for hunting, and this time, it wasn’t like any other time. Storm picked up 17 dead rabbits he killed from his breathe. Storm walked to the tundra, but a shift was in the bushes. Screech! Storm ran up to the brown dragon. “Screech! Its me!” Storm exclaimed. Screech stared at Storm for a while. “HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?” Screech whined. “Screech, who is that?” A voice called. Nautilus jumped out of the bush, and glared at the Storm. “Get away from my little sister!” Nautilus growled. “Wait,” Screech said, shushing Nautilus from snarling. “YOUR TRIBE KILLED STORM!” “W What? Guys, its me! Storm!” Storm replied. “No, the last time you were spotted you went into a cave in the tundra with an Ice claw, YOUR TRIBE KILLED HIM!” Screech roared. Nautilus gasped in depression. Her father got killed by TR’s guards. Mud was dead, and now she thinks Storm is dead. “GET AWAY FROM US!” Nautilus roared, clawing and throwing Storm. Then they walked away. Then Glacier came speeding near. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK AN HOUR AGO!” He growled. “My old sister, when i was like, Sea Claws or Sea Dragon,” Storm replied. Then Glacier pounced on Nautilus. They fought, claw and claw, teeth and teeth, gory and gory. “NO!” Storm roared. Then Storm heard Glacier roar, “going to the dungeons, you two.” Storm cried, seeing his big sister being pulled with his little sister.

Back in the tundra, all the Ice Claws (or Ice Dragons, either way) gasped at the sight of all of them. “WE HAVE CAUGHT QUEEN NAUTILUS, QUEEN OF THE SURFACE SEA THRONE!” Glacier roared in excitement. Dragons cheered, “and i wouldn’t have done it if Storm was late. Now lets eat up these rabbits!” Glacier finished. Storm felt queasy, and looked at Nautilus and Screech. Caged up, all thanks to him. Storm walked up to the prince. “Release them,” Storm snarled. Glacier laughed. “We caught our enemies! Why release them?” “Because they are my FAMILY!” Storm snapped. Then Glacier sat up. “We are going to have to kill you then, #1 hunter,” Glacier smirked. “GUARDS! Take him to the dungeon far into the dirt.” “NO!” Storm and Ice roared at the same time.

Chapter 9, Exploring The Secret.

Storm was carried to the underground dungeon, far into the dirt. Storm was chained with metal bars, and usually, like always, chemicals. But no rocks here. “Mud, you had the brains, i wish you were here with me..” Storm sighed, looking at the hole the guards dug to the dungeon, and at the stars. Wind blowed, as the wind ran to the dirt, and the wind shaped a dragon. Mud! Storm tried to hug the wind, but tripped. “Mud?” Storm asked. “Storm! You changed. Why?” Mud replied, spreading his wings majestically. “I thought Nautilus doesn’t care about me. So i lived in the Tundra for a year,” Storm replied sadly. “Me and her father were watching her and you. She missed you, but you didn’t,” Mud replied. “I’m sorry, turn me back!” Storm cried. “I can’t. You must change yourself back with better emotions,” Mud replied. Then Mud made some wind dig through the dirt. “The secret cave. Explore and find your way out!” “NO! WAIT!” Storm cried as Mud faded.

Storm was exploring the cave, what emotions? He asked himself over and over again. Storm soon saw light, and raced over to it. Then it was dark. Storm dug upward, and found himself in a dark cave. Nautilus knows this place, the Death Cave! Storm thought. But something was wrong. Dead dragons were swimming in the rivers, and they were taking them away. “Alright, now no one can talk to their dead relatives,” Glacier roared happily. Storm remembered Nautilus telling him she went to the cave and put Mud in the river of the dead! Oh no! Then Storm ran inside and to the Tundra. “HEY, WHAT?” Glacier roared, flying after him. Storm tried to fly, but the chemicals! No! Glacier pounced on him with his gigantic wings. “I had enough of your trouble!” He roared. “NO!” Nautilus and Screech roared in their cages. Storm escaped free and chomped on the icicle bars with his giant fangs. “RUN!” He ordered, as his sisters ran for the hills.

Chapter 10, KILL!!!!!!!!!

Nautilus and the gang went back to save Storm from the awful nightmare. “So, you went here to help your little friend!?” Glacier asked. “Storm!” Naturaleza yipped. “get away from him!!!!” Tundra roared. “Never!” Glacier roared. “Now you can see THE STRONG ICE CLAW!” Glacier bit his neck and poured potions on him. Then snapped, and Storm blinked, as his eyes turned all dark purple. Storm stared at his friends. “Kill them,” Glacier grinned. Storm suddenly pounced on Tundra first, and growled. He started doing his icy blast, then someone grabbed him and punched him in the face. Naturaleza! Storm struggled and ran to Dark. “I can help!” Lily roared. “ITS FINE!” Dark replied back, clawing Storm.

Everyone in the gang was hurt. TR, Tundra, and Lily were lying in the ground, defeated. Soon Screech ran and hid in the bushes, as Nautilus ordered. But Storm and Dark, it was legendary. They were equal, then Dark shot a fireball in a forest full of trees. They were no longer in the tundra, so much for snow turning into water. “NO!” Nautilus roared, Nautilus grabbed something out of Lily’s new bag she got, and grabbed a picture. The picture Storm drew of Nautilus when he was a hatchling. Nautilus ran into the fire, and showed Storm the photo. Storm looked at it and gasped, as his memories coming back…

Chapter 11, Storm’s life.

Storm felt as if he was reading from his diary to himself out loud. “I was a Sea Dragon, but i was black when i was born, like some Sea Dragons. They didn’t notice till i was blue, that was, after the war with our home, a cave.

“Well, then me and my sister, Nautilus, started our adventures. Nautilus saved my young sister Screech from freezing, and then we had to run from our aunt, because she was about to kill us. We met dragons, and a T-rex!
TR, Tundra, Lily, Mud, Naturaleza, Dark, and more. Guards were our friends now. But Naturaleza will never know how much i love her.” Storm said. “Wow,” Nautilus replied, then the fire was really blazing. Dark was passed out, and Storm was back! “Oh no!” Naturaleza roared, as she got up by the smell of fire. Tundra woke up by Naturaleza’s cry.

Naturaleza made a forcefield out of Nature, moss, sticks, trees, grass. She was protecting Nautilus, Storm and Dark. “Go out with Dark, you too,” Naturaleza ordered, making a hole. “No!” Storm cried. “NOW!” Naturaleza roared, seeing some of the branches on fire. They escaped, but tundra got up. “NOO!” He roared, jumping into the forest. Storm looked at himself, he was back to normal. A Sea Dragon! But he looked at the forest. “TUNDRA! NATURALEZA!” He roared.

Chapter 11, The Brave Two.

Tundra was racing in the forest, and saw Naturaleza. She was crying in agony by the fire. Fire and Nature are enemies! Tundra thought. “Come with me!” Tundra roared, Naturaleza slowly crawled out, crying in pain and fear. “Go without me!” Tundra roared. “NO!” Naturaleza cried. “Sh, just close your eyes, you will be alright,” Tundra licked Naturaleza. “Listen to these words.” Naturaleza started to cry in depression now. Naturaleza grabbed Tundra, and looked inside a cave. “No fire!” She cried happily. She lay Tundra on the rocks, then the fire started to spread, and the cave door closed with a metal door. “WELCOME TO THE DEATH CAVE. OR SHOULD I SAY, THE DIE CAGE!?” A voice roared. It was Glacier! “YOU!” Tundra roared. “YES, I!” Glacier shouted happily. “Have a good time roasting alive, you love birds, as i will eat turkey!” Tundra hugged Naturaleza in fear, as she began to faint. “NO! DON’T LEAVE ME!” Tundra coughed. Then Tundra coughed and fainted.

Chapter 12, Forbidden Swamp.

Nautilus stared around as the trees fell in defeat of the fire. “We can’t go there,” Storm moaned, as the fire got bigger. “Come,” Screech said, popping out of the bushes. “To the swamp.” They followed the tiny brown dragon with red eyes. But the swamp was different. “This is a different swamp. The forbidden swamp,” Screech announced. “Well, good luck!” Lily all of a sudden yawned. “Oh yea, with the monsters,” she yawned. “M Monsters?!” TR gasped. “Only way to get to Tundra and Naturaleza,” Nautilus replied. Then they split up.

Nautilus screamed and ran from a werewolf in fear. Storm was flying from a vampire, in bat form. TR was scared of crocodiles, as he was surrounded by them. Lily almost died of fright, Screech sat on a rock. “ITS FEAR NIGHT!” She announced. “What?” Nautilus roared, avoiding the bite of the werewolf. Then poor past out Dark was surrounded by fear. Zombies! Dragon Zombies. Nautilus read about these. Dragon Zombies are dragons who died in a bad way and was left to rot, as they were sent to the Forbidden Swamp. TR was bleeding, and Storm soon spot Dark. The little Sea Dragon who was turned back from Nautilus, ran over to Dark, he fought the zombies. Then werewolves started chasing her, now it was five of them. “STOP THEM!” Lily screamed. Lily was cornered by the worst fear, monsters. One with beaks, dragon and dinosaur ones. Werecats. The worst cat ever, stronger than the biggest, strongest cat on Earth. Nautilus ducked from a crocodile TR thrown. And Dark woke up. She helped Storm fight off the zombies. Then dawn roared in the sky. Everything all of a sudden ran away in fear. “Everyone okay?” Screech asked. Storm’s ear was bleeding and he was scratched, same with Dark. Lily was bleeding on her tail. Nautilus was covered up with bites, and TR was bleeding badly. “Lets get back to finding Naturaleza and Tundra,” Storm sighed. Everyone else nodded. “And you could have helped us, Screech,” TR snapped.

Chapter 13, Transform.

They all flew, then Dark sighed. “I’m getting tired,” she complained. “We didn’t sleep,” Lily yawned. “My feet hurt!” TR agreed. So they rested at Dawn, except for Nautilus. But she thought sleep was good, and closed her eyes. “Mud?” Nautilus asked. She saw him, playing in the snow. “Come play with me!” Mud exclaimed happily. Nautilus stepped near him, but got a flashback. The avalanche! “MUD! Over here! AVALANCHE!” Nautilus roared. She grabbed Mud as the avalanche groaned and started racing down the hill. “Thanks. You no change the past though. I miss you,” Mud sighed. Then Nautilus woke up. “Mud..” she sighed.

They flew a couple of hours early, but Nautilus couldn’t get her mind off of Mud. Then they reached it with Nautilus’s directions. “There is something odd in here,” Storm said. They all dived down, as TR stopped, to try not to crush the cave. They walked in, and Nautilus gasped in madness and horror. They were throwing the dead bodies away, to the Forbidden Swamp! Then Glacier roared happily. “THE GANG! I got your friends Tundra and Naturaleza,” he grinned. “Get away from them!” Lily roared. “Guards, pull up the Purpose Eclipse,” Glacier smiled. Then everything went dark, and Nautilus felt, her heart aching. Stupid me! I’ve been bitten by a werewolf! She thought. Then she transformed to a hairy wolf. Storm looked at him. “Why am i still normal?” He asked. “Zombies don’t change you,” Dark snapped. “They only try to kill you, and make you die in the swamp, so you become one of them!” But Nautilus didn’t go for them, she went straight for Screech.

Chapter 14, Storm finds out the truth

Screech gulped in fear. No Forbidden Swamp to help her. “Psst. Lets attack Glacier,” Nautilus whispered. Screech opened her eyes in horror, then she smiled. “Alright,” she replied. Then Nautilus turned around at Glacier, and pounced on him. She growled and spit saliva all over him. Then she bit him. Glacier howled in pain, but Nautilus gasped. Glacier became stronger than her, he was a werewolf too. He pounced on Nautilus, and clawed her in the chest. He started ripping hair and scales from her. Nautilus got up and roared in pain. She started clawing Glacier in the face everywhere. “GO OUTSIDE,” Nautilus roared to her friends. They all raced outside. Storm felt worried, then Tundra and Naturaleza ran out to the forest with fire still burning. “NO!” Storm gasped, but they didn’t hear Storm cry. Then something went BAM! Tundra fell in defeat. Storm ran to the Forbidden Swamp. For two things. First to get some water, and he poured it on the forest. Storm stopped flying, and raced to the forest.

Tundra was laying down, as three trees fell on him. Naturaleza was crying in depression. Naturaleza loved Tundra.. after all this time, she doesn’t love me, Storm thought. He walked over to Naturaleza, feeling bad for her. “I’m sorry,” he said. Naturaleza looked at him. “Its okay, but there is no point of me living without Tundra,” she replied. Then Naturaleza took off. Storm felt bad for her.

Naturaleza was running and crying as fast and as hard as possible. Then Naturaleza tripped and tumbled down. Then the Purpose Eclipse fell, and the sun shined in happiness. Nautilus and Glacier turned back, crying in agony. Then Glacier threw Nautilus near a cliff. She hung on, but she couldn’t hold much longer. Nautilus felt herself slipping off the snow, then gasped. Mud? Mud was ramming into Glacier, then toppled on him. Glacier was now hanging on, and Nautilus scurried on. “Mud?” She asked joyfully. Mud was gone. Nautilus sighed. Then she turned to Glacier. “Grab my hand!” She roared. Glacier growled, and slashed her with one claw. Now he was hanging by one hand. Nautilus pulled Glacier up. But before she could do a thing, Ice Claws and Ice
Dragons grabbed Glacier and threw him in the Ice dungeon.

Chapter 15, The Deep Dive.

Nautilus felt bad for Naturaleza. She sat near the cliff, her feet dangling. “What gravity is pulling you down this time?” Lily asked, walking toward her daughter. “I killed Mud AND Tundra,” Nautilus replied. “And now Naturaleza because of Tundra.” “NO YOU DID NOT! WANT TO BE WITH MUD AND ASK HIM?” Lily roared, picking up Nautilus. “Anything for Mud,” she replied. Then Lily threw Nautilus to the cliff, and Nautilus didn’t do a thing. Storm ran over to Lily, followed by TR and Dark. “NO!” Storm cried. He dashed through, grabbing Nautilus. He opened her wings as she suddenly shot up. Nautilus landed near the cliff. Then a orange noise came. “Mud?” She asked. “I’m alive,” he winked. “WHAT?” Everyone roared. “I acted dead, and the death cave was a hologram. Also the body was a clone,” Mud responded. Nautilus looked down. I killed Frost for nothing? Then Nautilus gasped in horror. Storm was laying, impaled by a sharp rock, that looked like sharp dragon teeth. “NO!” Nautilus roared. Mud gasped in horror. Storm was gone. And this time, it wasn’t no prank, like what Mud did. But now, Nautilus lost her father and her little brother! Screech screamed. Then she flew down, and landed next to Storm. “I should have told you. I love you..” Screech cried.

Nautilus silently went to Ice. Storm treated her like a queen, even if she was a princess. “You, marry an Ice Claw. Future King is captured,” Nautilus ordered. “I know,” Ice said with a smirk. “And okay.” “One more thing, Storm is dead!” Nautilus blurted quickly. “WHAT? YOU MEAN THE SEA CLAW? Well, thanks for telling me, Sea Dragon..” Ice sighed. Then the group flew away.

Chapter 16, Storm’s point of view.

Nautilus was at her warm cave. No more freezing cold tundra. Nautilus snuggled in some deer fur, and fell asleep.

She was Storm, but at the worst part. She saw herself falling, and ran to her. But Nautilus stopped. No, maybe i can change the past. But she was moving. Wait, Mud said i can’t… Nautilus dived down and grabbed her wings, as she glided up. As for her, she fell fell fell fell away, and she disappeared. Nautilus gasped in horror. She told that to Lily, but she was thinking. Liyl started this. Maybe i shouldn’t tell her… Nautilus told Mud, then TR, then Dark. “I’m sorry, Nautilus,” Mud sighed. Then the tiger bounced in. “I trained him,” TR said eagerly. “Thanks, TR! Now, run to the cliff of the far side of the Tundra!” Then the tiger bounded off, Nautilus on its back.

Nautilus picked up Storm, as he had a hideous hole that went to his back to his chest, bleeding. Nautilus raced to the Death Cave, hoping to talk to her brother.

Chapter 17, Epilogue.
Nautilus saw Storm. “Storm?” She asked. “Right here,” Storm said, coming to sight. He smiled. “Thanks for saving my life..” Nautilus sighed. Then she grabbed the drawing of her that Storm drew, when he was young. “I want you to keep this. Its your masterpiece.” “Thanks. I kiss you good night,” Storm replied, hugging Nautilus. Then all of the cave turned black, as Nautilus slept peacefully with her little brother.

Kylie Davis…
Is the author of The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus series. Kylie tries to make the best pairs in the group. Nautilus-Mud. Storm-Screech. Naturaleza-Tundra. “I made these when i was ten, but my computer got a virus so i couldn’t upload my photos of the Dragons. So if you are confused, Dragons with “Claw” in their name, has the head and bodies like Storm and Mud, and the Dragons with “Dragon” in their name, they have the head and body like Nautilus. I tried very hard to make these,” Kylie Davis says. “I hope you enjoyed the books!”

Characters and personalities.

KEY: This font means they are alive. This font means they are dead. This font if they are queen or king.

Nautilus: A blue Sea Dragon, who is loyal to friends. The queen to the Sea Throne that is on land. Loves friends and Mud. Age: 13

Mud: King of the Sea Throne on land, is a orange Soil Claw. Loves Nautilus and friends. Age: 13

Storm: Litte brother of Nautilus, loves Screech and Ice. Is a dark blue Sea Claw with purple whiskers like a Eastern Dragon’s. Died saving Nautilus. Age: 9

Frank: The father of Nautilus. Loves lily, his wife. Is a black and purple Dark Dragon. Died from TR’S guards. Age: 34

Screech: The youngest sibling of Nautilus, was found as queen of the Swamp. Is a brown Soil Claw. Age: 2

Naturaleza: The queen of the Nature throne. Is a Nature Dragon, loves Tundra. Ran away when he died. Age: 15

Tundra: A guard. Was a Ice blue Ice Claw. Loves Naturaleza and Nautilus. Died from being crushed by three trees in a wildfire. Age: 16

Lily: The wife of Frank. Loves Frank and her hatchlings. Is a dark red Eastern Dragon. Element is Wind. Age: 32

Dark: The aunt of Nautilus, Storm, and Screech. Is a light and dark purple Night Dragon. Age: 45

Frost: The queen of the Tundra part of the land. Was a purple Ice Dragon, with massive wings. Was killed by Nautilus after the avalanche. Age: 39

Ice: The Tundra princess, soon to be queen. Is a red Ice Claw. Age: 27

Glacier: The brother of Ice, the Tundra prince. Was going to be king. Is a Icy Blue Ice Claw. Is in the dungeon of the Ice Kingdom. Age: 29

Please tell me if there is any problems, i'm worried if i skipped a chapter or two, so tell me in the comments if so.

I am working on the third book. In it, the world becomes like a fairy tale, and Mud became a terrible beast, while Nautilus is trapped in a castle. She has to save him before the third sundown, or else he will be a beast forever. But one of her friends are trying to hunt him down, so is the king of the castle. 

The tale of the dragon Nautilus 3.

The tale of the Dragon Nautilus 3
The tale of the dragon Nautilus 3.

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