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Monday, September 29, 2014

Animal Jam RM

Hey! Kylie here, whoa its Monday already! Does one of your animals need a Cone Collar for its  ingury? This RIM (Rare Item Monday) will help! 

Hmm, 950 gems. And the other clothing is on sale at the Medical center shop!

Well, i have to start typing the Three Good Friends part 4. I made a cliffhanger so XD. Well bye. 

Animal Jam Birthday!

Hey, Kylie here! Animal Jam's birthday came to Animal Jam, and this did come out a while ago, but it might end soon! Its almost the end of September! 

Have a great October as it comes by! And have a great week!
Sorry, there should have been a H. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Its Autumn!

Hey guys! Kylie here, and Autumn is here! Halloween is almost on its way too :3.

Anyway, Animal Jam came up with this NEW DEN ITEM. 

Yay! Well enjoy raking. And have a good fall everyone. And good luck with the raking Victory! 

Animal Jam Three Good Friends part 3 Lucky's doom

Victory retraced her steps   back to the volcano. "Wait!" called Stella. Victory swung around and turned to the dragons. "She is phantomized! You definaltly need backup." Stardance nodded. "I am a warrior of the dragon herd," he said, nodding his head proudly. "And dad is healed. You may now ride him." Then Stardance turned to his father. "Dad," he said. "Who is my mom? And why am i part Sea dragon?" "Well, your mother, Natilus, died to protect you. Just like her father did when she was an egg. She is a Sea dragon, and she is shining on you and me," Stella said, looking at the stars. Victory smiled, then walked back. "Oh, message from Lucky," Victory grinned, opening her laptop. 

Lucky: "Your my fresh kill tonight."

Victory looked like fear took over my body, and quickly smashed her laptop on some hard gravel. "What?" Stella and Stardance said at the same time. "Lucky is gonna kill us!" Victory yelled. The dragons were silent. "Then eat us!" She said. The dragons raced around wildly. "NOT THE STOMACH ACID!" Stardance roared in fear. "I DON'T WANT TO BE IN A BODY!" Stella complained. "Calm down. CALM DOWN!" Victory yelled, and the dragons stopped. Stella crashed into his son. "I will make SURE she doesn't kill and EAT us," Victory said calmly. "Just follow my lead." Stella and his son both looked at each other with fear. "Trust her," Stella whispered to his son. Victory wanted to snarl, but she didn't. Tigershark was now a eagle on land, and he flew with them. "Who's Lucky?" He asked Victory. Victory only replied with a soft snarl saying "Lucky is the nerdy one of this 'group.' And we must save her." Tigershark looked at her. "Oh," he said. "Okay." They stopped and went to the dungeon. "Lucky!" Screeched Tigershark. 

Lucky was laying down still, grey fur, red eyes, black horns, but still had her brown stars. "LUCKY!" Victory said madly. "WHY THE MESSAGE?" Lucky stared at her. "The queen wrote that!" She said. "She took my laptop! And i was still logged on as Lucky!" Tigershark spoke next after the silent of the friends. "There is a switch," he said. He flew into the cage, and onto the wolf's snout. 

"Great," Stardance said. Then Stella and Stardance hit the door with fire balls. "Its not working. She changed it to metal, and changed the switch! Your going to have to take power away from her," Lucky said, then yelped by another change of her. Stardance went first. He ran down. He flew and landed on this massive fat phantom. "STAR!" Stella roared. The queen let out a massive roar, sending Stardance back. Stella glided and landed in front of his son. He looked at the queen and started fighting. The queen hissed pleased, when Stella staggered and almost fell into lava. Victory then attacked the queen madly, sending a yowl of agony. Lucky got up. She raced to the queen. "Dear, attack," she said, eyeing Lucky. Then Lucky became dark. Then Stella did. "Its me," Victory said. Stardance tried to help her too. Then Stardance gave Stella a quick nudge and said "I love you, dad." Stella came back. "Get on my back, Victory!" Stella growled. "What about Lucky? The volcano is about to explode!" Stella looked at Victory. "Its too late for her," he said, "for she had made the choice to let us go." Then the two dragons flew with Victory on Stella's back. Then the volcano exploded, with rocks flying everywhere. "No!" Cried Victory. Stardance gave her a pat on the back. 

They flew to a castle, a dragon's den. "Greely's Inferno all over again," Stella whispered to his son. The dragon's giggled. Stella was showing his son the den. Victory cried in a bed. Stardance came to her. "Yesterday was history tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift," he nudged her. "We will come back for Lucky."

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pirates of the Caribbean - He's a Pirate (Extended)

To me, its impossible to just listen to this while just sitting and doing nothing but breathing. 

Animal Jam Three Good Friends Part 2. The Plan.

Lucky: "Please, Victory, go back to where you last saw Leaping until he disappered with that terrible shark." 

Victory: "Right. Well i see a hole. I'll go in it." 

*Victory has left the chat*

Lucky: "You better knock that shark onto land, Victory."

Victory rushed into the hole, and saw a volcano full of chaos. She walked through slowly, and heard voices. She hid under a rock.

"TELL US!" A voice boomed. Then she heard Leaping's soft roar. "I will never tell you the secrets of my herd or ground. I'm not a traitor," he said. "YOU WILL DIE THEN, DRAGON!" roared the second voice. Then a roar of agony bounced along the volcano. "Leaping!" Thought Victory. She waited until the strange shadow left, then ran to her dragon. "Wake up!" She snapped. "You'll get killed if you don't!" Leaping looked at her owner with a half closed eye, and weakly replied, "Go, now. I will always be with you. Your not safe here." Victory looked at Leaping. "Why do you have to go?" She said, and she hated the crestfallen tone in her voice. "I'm not leaving you. I said i will always be with you. Go now. He is coming," Leaping replied. 

"I could not ask for a better mother," Leaping said to Victory. "Thanks for being there for me.." Then the voice came. Leaping nodded to a massive rock. Victory ran behind it. She looked back at Leaping. Then a sword hit his tail. "NO!" Victory said under her breath. Then they threw Leaping in a dungeon. 

*Victory joined the chat*

Lucky: "Leaping is on!"

Leaping: "Lucky they didn't take my laptop, but they did put a nasty crack on the screen. A dragon is the foe, for he is attacking me. And that shark is on his side."
Victory: "I'll kill that dragon for you, Leaping." 

Victory closed her laptop and saw a dragon sitting on the rock she was behind! It was a big, odd dragon. 

"Go to your water, Tigershark," the dragon said. The scarred shark swam into the lava with no screams of pain. Victory ran to Leaping's cage, and saw bandages up his mouth. She leaped from rock to rock, to the dragon. "There is a escape here. You can just fly away," she said, untieing the bandage. "No, i can't. Sure, i have wings. But my tail is hurt. No tail balance, no flying balance," he explained. "But now that you untied the bandage.." Leaping got up and hit a fiery ball of fire onto the stone. "Now lets get that old lump," he said happily. Then Lucky was there, attacking the dragon! "GET OFF!" The dragon roared, launching her to the wall. Lucky screeched and the dragon put her in a cage. "LUCKY!" Leaping howled, but no reply from Lucky. A muffle came, but she was bandaged. And she was getting Phantomized. 

Then roars of agony rung through the volcano, echoing in everyone's ears. They looked up, even poor Lucky. Then Leaping said, "Wait. Stardance is that you?"
The dragon looked back. "Stella?" Leaping looked at him. "Call me dad," he said. 'S-Stella?!" Victory stuttered. "That's your real name?" Leaping replied yes. Victory introduced her to Stardance. "I thought i lost you ever since that shark took you with that one dragon," Stella said. "Yes, and i killed him. He treated me wrong, and i thrived and catched prey like this, and my shark friend, Tigershark, helped me." Victory said sorry to Tigershark. "Apology accepted, young one," Tigershark replied. Then Tigershark walked on land, and became a land animal. They walked out, then Victory asked "What about Lucky?" "Its too late," Stardance said. "She is phantomized now..."

The Chest full of gems.

Hey guys! Kylie here! Finally a new item on Animal Jam, called the Chest of Gems for your den! 

Wonderful for your den. 

Anyway, that's it. I might be locking my den soon. And i feel like quitting AJ because i see Jammers cuss on Animal Jam. Guys, please stop that. This is a kid's game! Well, that's it! Bye :D 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Just please stop the bullying.

Hi! Kylie here, and please stop the bullying! A friend was having a clan but her brother was on her account for a little bit, and one of the clan members called me the (B WORD) Please stop! Guys, i'm only 10. And i get told to shut up in school for no reason. And i get told i'm a (cuss word) for no reason! Please stop this! Doesn't it hurt to get called a mean insult or get yelled at? No. So why are some people doing it!? Please stop i am crying a little. Its just not okay. I can tell AJHQ. So stop please. Please comment if you agree...

Couldn't have done it without you!

Your probably wondering what the title means. Well, guys thank you so much for viewing this blog! Yes it is new, so i don't have a lot of views lately.  But for now, i am going  to unlock my den for all of you guys! Thanks so much for supporting :) 
Now look, i don't have the day planned tomorrow, so i will TRY to get on at Saturday September 26 2014, at 12:00PM At Mountain Time. Well bye, and thank you! (So sorry if i am not on) My username is Mudwings900.

Happy (Early) Halloween!!

Hey guys! Kylie here, and i didn't know what to post yesterday :l

Anyway, the Phantom Portal is here in Jamaa! As if you saw, everything in Jamaa Township changed! To beautiful Autum to amazing Night of the Phantoms! And you know what that means......


That's right. Phantom Portal is here! What is Phantom Portal? Well, this is what it looks on the outside. 

And here is the inside.

Very cool place, huh? And your probably wondering... What's that game?! Well, the game is basically where you have to protect your CANDY from the PHANTOMS. Your cursor becomes a torch. You basically have to move the phantoms to a certain place and they will go away. Level complete! Just don't let it touch your candy!

As if you saw......  

Jamaa Township has changed into this.

Dark and spooky, just right for a amazing holiday called Halloween! On Halloween i will go on AJ in the morning, trick or treat in the Epic Dens, then get candy for real life at night :D. Too bad its far away :(. Anyway, i hope you enjoy your Halloween! And Mira has changed as well. Into a phatom!! (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

Anyway, Lucky says that's it for now :) Bye!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Animal Jam Three good friends (Of the choose your path story) Part 1

Lucky: "What did you decide to do, Victory?" 

Leaping: "Yea, Victory. Tell us. "

Victory: Leaping, can you go away? 

Leaping: "Let me think about this...... NO."

Victory: "Fine. So i chose to get help underwater!"


Victory: "Uhh thanks. Now i shall get off this waterproof laptop and save jammers!! Bye!" 

*Victory has left the chat* 

Lucky: "Good. Now what do you want to talk about, Leaping?" 

Leaping: "I don't know. Maybe i should wait by the shore, just in case."

Lucky: "Alright, you noble dragon. I'll watch you with camera's on you and Victory's fur/scales. I will be able to see you guys on my Computer." 

*Leaping has left the chat* 

Cold rain pattered in the ocean, as Victory swam. She went deeper into the depths of the cold water. The water went all over her soft fur, not noticing the camera on her brown sleek fur. She stopped as she heard something whoosh by. "Who is there! Show your scarred face!" And she was right, a shark with a scarred face appeared. "Hello, otter. How are you?" Victory looked at the shark madly. "Fine until you showed up," she spat. "You should eat me. My dragon friend won't care. So will my nerdy friend." The shark looked at her. "Don't make fun of your friends!" He snapped. Victory scoffed. "Yea, and what will you do about it?" "I will eat you.." the shark snapped. "I've been in war for a long time. But i stopped, and i can start again." Then the shark started chasing Victory to even deeper depths. Then she went into a cave, and bump! Cave rocks went in front of the door. A hole was at the top, but it was too small. Victory screamed. 

Lucky: "Victory, i am watching you with a camera. I'll tell Leaping!" 

Lucky: "Leaping? Hello?! Victory is trapped, and if she escapes, she needs backup. A shark is going to eat her!"

Leaping: "NO! I have to save her, even if it wastes my life!"

Lucky: "Please be safe...."

Leaping streched his wings furiosly, and swam into the water to Deep Blue. He saw Victory. And he battled the shark. "Stop! She took care of me when i was a egg! My parents died! And Victory took care of me! I must protect her," Leaping roared, while clawing the shark. "You don't understand," the shark said. "Its the circle of life. Deal with it." Then the shark chained up Leaping. "Leaping!" Victory cried. She swam out of the cave that Leaping had blasted and freed Victory. Then Victory lost the shark. 

Lucky: "We must come with a escape plan to get Leaping back. Here is my plan. ____"

Victory: "Hello?! TELL ME!" Victory looked at her camera. Lucky has lost her connection. And Victory was lost deep in the ocean! She needed her little brother. He could fly her out of here. After hours of searching for help, she found a eel that finally showed itself. "Show me to land, please," Victory said. A eel pointed to a rocky cliff. She followed, and popped up in the aquariam. She coughed and ran to Lucky's den. 

"Your okay! I lost your connection. Come, we must come up with a plan to save Leaping. We must talk." 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Smoothie Machine. And choose your path story.

Hey guys! Kylie here, and i just want to post

How to get a Smoothie Machine on Animal Jam :O

Its simple! Follow Victory the otter here.
 Victory: "Hi ya! I was just smashing fruits when i got this idea to post how to get a Smoothie Machine on Animal Jam! Don't worry, its not complacated!! Let me just show you with my other picture i took from the trip to the Cruise boat!"

Victory: "So, ya see? Just click the cashier and their is a store with one item, ya know it! Smoothie Machine. Too bad its 3,500 gems."

Victory: "Just be paintent till the Cruise Boat is on and going!"

*Lucky has entered the chat*

Lucky: "That's amazing Victory, but why so suprised in this picture?" *Takes out picture* 

Victory: "Why, Lucky, wouldn't you be scared and suprised to see a iceberg and sharks coming toward the boat your on? And a strange person knocked out the captain on here! I'm still on the boat!"

Lucky: "Oh my! Get off of there! And remember about the other people on there, Victory! Be like Molly Brown and the Titanic!"

Victory: "Ha ha, but seriously. I should get off ALONE and get help. And plus, this is AJS Mola Mola here." 

*Leaping has entered the chat*

Victory: "Oh no, not Leaping. Dude he is a dragon. He is so strange!!"

Leaping: Who are you calling strange, weirdo! Victory, help me wake up the captain!!

Lucky: Good idea, Leaping. Let the viewers decide...

Should Victory help Leaping wake up the captain, Leave and get help, or save the other Jammers on the boat? Comment below!

Lucky: "Want to save the jammers? Say Lucky in the comments!"

Victory: "Want to go get help? Say Victory below!"

Leaping: "Wake up the captain? Say Leaping in the comments!"

Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy rare Monday day everyone!

So sorry i posted this late! I went to Sarepia Forest, and there were new items.

 In the Wheelbarrow Planter, members can change the flowers. And these items are both for members only.

And Happy Rare Monday everyone! Today's is for members only, again. *sigh* Well here it is, The Rare Beard! Its only 400 gems, so buy yours soon! Anyway, i better get going. Bye!

Epic Wonders new item.

Hello guys! Kylie here! This might have came out a couple of days ago.... but the newest item in Epic wonders is the Ruby Ring.
 And since its September, its time to collect the Sapphire Birthstone at Epic Wonders! 9 days left to buy it, so hurry!

Animal Jam painting #1 Dragon

Hey! Kylie here, and as most of you probably know, i love drawing dragons. I just drew a dragon on Animal Jam on the Painting activity in the Art Studio. (Art Studio in Coral Canyons)

Random quote :D

Well, anyway i think that's it. Bye!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Where's River race?

Hi, jammars! Kylie here. In about October last year, i asked my friend "Hey, want to go play River race?" She said yes, and we ran to Jamaa Township. I wanted to gasp, River race was gone! And ever since i was Non member, i always wanted to get a River race. Then when i become member on Christmas 2013, it was gone.

What is River race?

River race was a old game on Animal Jam, you could play it single player or multiplayer. It would go up to 4 players for each race,It was fun, but now its gone. Here is a picture i found on Google of River Race.     River race used to be in stores in the arcade, too. And then one day Animal Jam got rid of River race. The people who still have River race can play it, and people who visit the den can, too. Now, why did Animal Jam delete River Race? The answer is, no one knows. I think Animal Jam deleted River race because it was 'unpopular' and no one really plays it.Well, i can't think about anything more to talk about and post. And i better go eat my dinner. Bye!

Animal Jam TBA?

Hi! Kylie here, and news is spreading like a wildfire! I found on The Animal Jam Whip that something called TBA is coming or something like that. TBA is like an adventure for pets, and its a mystery. Here are some pictures i found of TBA on Google Images. This is so strange.... And so my friend kept on finding videos on

how to get to TBA. Its not working, sadly. All it shows is the 3nd picture. But here is a video she shared me. So the people in this video think it could be a app. I hope its not. And yes, it does look NM. There is proof in the pictures. 
That's it! Its still a mystery, but maybe in October it will become History in AJ....

Rude Bunny

Hey. Sorry i didn't post yesterday. I was with my 3 year old nese with my step sister my parents and my sisters. So on Friday the Rockies won and the Diamondbacks lost, and the Rockies hit a Grand Slam Home run :O.

Anyway, your probably wondering what this title means. Please stop bullying on AJ!! Its sick and annoying. I was in Aldan looking for another Beta Wallpaper to trade my Planet wallpaper with, then i see a bunny with one i wanted so badly. I traded her and she yelled, "TRADE ME FAIR AND WHOEVER JUST TRADED ME....  ." I think she meant i was dumb, but i couldn't tell. I went to my den with the feelings annoyed and mad. Then i go back to see her, and guess what i see? I see her teasing people who traded her stuff she doesn't want. I saw a cheetah say. "Nvm, your rude." Here is the bunny. And my friend 2583lily keeps on getting scammed, while Jose5502 got suspended for 4 days (this started on labor day) and it said he scammed and told out info. No, he didn't. We think he got hacked. All i'm asking is, PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE. STOP MAKING PEOPLE FEEL GUILTY AND UNSPECIAL. STOP STEALING RARES. They are just pixels!! And most of all, STOP THE HACKING. STOP MAKING PEOPLE LOSE EVERYTHING. Its not okay! Little kids play this, and if you hack scam and bully, think about it. Would you like to get scammed something you cherish? No. Would you want to get hacked and lose all your stuff and friends? No. Would you like to feel guilty and unspecial? NO! Have some respect and Empathy for others, please! Lets help make AJ a fun game!! Also, can you report this girl/guy named Hyska? Me, Meckziebff77 and Jose5502 got Hyska on Youtube. So please, report Hyska, and please stop this nonsense. Thanks for reading, and sorry with the caps. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friend of the month on Animal Jam!!

Meckziebff77 is a amazing friend. She is kind and awesome. Thanks for everything you have done, Meckziebff77 :)
Now, people are wondering "How do i get pet effects on my dog/snake/duck?" Well, i really don't know. I do hear to get effects you must get 100 golden items, then when you are done, this pops up. 
So, yes, its really hard to get effects. I'm gonna have to go to the Rockies game in 1 hour and 20 keep trying! I know you can do it!
Hey. Forgot to add that Club Penguin removed the Theater for a Puffle Mall yesterday. It was a little depressing since i kind of liked the theater, but oh well. This is the outside of the mall, (and me saying "The theater!!") You will find it in the Plaza. Then here is the inside of it. When you get on a escalator, you can't move. You'll have to wait. And that made me mad once because i went down then i accidently got up so i went down then my penguin went to the escalator that goes up. I got so mad i teleported XD. Anyway, in the Puffle Mall you can throw coins. Its a good place to make wishes. The Puffle Berry Mall is also good to walk your Puffle in! Well, thats it. Hope you enjoy the Mall! Bye!