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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Rude Bunny

Hey. Sorry i didn't post yesterday. I was with my 3 year old nese with my step sister my parents and my sisters. So on Friday the Rockies won and the Diamondbacks lost, and the Rockies hit a Grand Slam Home run :O.

Anyway, your probably wondering what this title means. Please stop bullying on AJ!! Its sick and annoying. I was in Aldan looking for another Beta Wallpaper to trade my Planet wallpaper with, then i see a bunny with one i wanted so badly. I traded her and she yelled, "TRADE ME FAIR AND WHOEVER JUST TRADED ME....  ." I think she meant i was dumb, but i couldn't tell. I went to my den with the feelings annoyed and mad. Then i go back to see her, and guess what i see? I see her teasing people who traded her stuff she doesn't want. I saw a cheetah say. "Nvm, your rude." Here is the bunny. And my friend 2583lily keeps on getting scammed, while Jose5502 got suspended for 4 days (this started on labor day) and it said he scammed and told out info. No, he didn't. We think he got hacked. All i'm asking is, PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE. STOP MAKING PEOPLE FEEL GUILTY AND UNSPECIAL. STOP STEALING RARES. They are just pixels!! And most of all, STOP THE HACKING. STOP MAKING PEOPLE LOSE EVERYTHING. Its not okay! Little kids play this, and if you hack scam and bully, think about it. Would you like to get scammed something you cherish? No. Would you want to get hacked and lose all your stuff and friends? No. Would you like to feel guilty and unspecial? NO! Have some respect and Empathy for others, please! Lets help make AJ a fun game!! Also, can you report this girl/guy named Hyska? Me, Meckziebff77 and Jose5502 got Hyska on Youtube. So please, report Hyska, and please stop this nonsense. Thanks for reading, and sorry with the caps. 

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