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Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy (Early) Halloween!!

Hey guys! Kylie here, and i didn't know what to post yesterday :l

Anyway, the Phantom Portal is here in Jamaa! As if you saw, everything in Jamaa Township changed! To beautiful Autum to amazing Night of the Phantoms! And you know what that means......


That's right. Phantom Portal is here! What is Phantom Portal? Well, this is what it looks on the outside. 

And here is the inside.

Very cool place, huh? And your probably wondering... What's that game?! Well, the game is basically where you have to protect your CANDY from the PHANTOMS. Your cursor becomes a torch. You basically have to move the phantoms to a certain place and they will go away. Level complete! Just don't let it touch your candy!

As if you saw......  

Jamaa Township has changed into this.

Dark and spooky, just right for a amazing holiday called Halloween! On Halloween i will go on AJ in the morning, trick or treat in the Epic Dens, then get candy for real life at night :D. Too bad its far away :(. Anyway, i hope you enjoy your Halloween! And Mira has changed as well. Into a phatom!! (DUN DUN DUNNNN)

Anyway, Lucky says that's it for now :) Bye!

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