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Friday, September 19, 2014

Hey. Forgot to add that Club Penguin removed the Theater for a Puffle Mall yesterday. It was a little depressing since i kind of liked the theater, but oh well. This is the outside of the mall, (and me saying "The theater!!") You will find it in the Plaza. Then here is the inside of it. When you get on a escalator, you can't move. You'll have to wait. And that made me mad once because i went down then i accidently got up so i went down then my penguin went to the escalator that goes up. I got so mad i teleported XD. Anyway, in the Puffle Mall you can throw coins. Its a good place to make wishes. The Puffle Berry Mall is also good to walk your Puffle in! Well, thats it. Hope you enjoy the Mall! Bye!

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