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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Animal Jam Three good friends (Of the choose your path story) Part 1

Lucky: "What did you decide to do, Victory?" 

Leaping: "Yea, Victory. Tell us. "

Victory: Leaping, can you go away? 

Leaping: "Let me think about this...... NO."

Victory: "Fine. So i chose to get help underwater!"


Victory: "Uhh thanks. Now i shall get off this waterproof laptop and save jammers!! Bye!" 

*Victory has left the chat* 

Lucky: "Good. Now what do you want to talk about, Leaping?" 

Leaping: "I don't know. Maybe i should wait by the shore, just in case."

Lucky: "Alright, you noble dragon. I'll watch you with camera's on you and Victory's fur/scales. I will be able to see you guys on my Computer." 

*Leaping has left the chat* 

Cold rain pattered in the ocean, as Victory swam. She went deeper into the depths of the cold water. The water went all over her soft fur, not noticing the camera on her brown sleek fur. She stopped as she heard something whoosh by. "Who is there! Show your scarred face!" And she was right, a shark with a scarred face appeared. "Hello, otter. How are you?" Victory looked at the shark madly. "Fine until you showed up," she spat. "You should eat me. My dragon friend won't care. So will my nerdy friend." The shark looked at her. "Don't make fun of your friends!" He snapped. Victory scoffed. "Yea, and what will you do about it?" "I will eat you.." the shark snapped. "I've been in war for a long time. But i stopped, and i can start again." Then the shark started chasing Victory to even deeper depths. Then she went into a cave, and bump! Cave rocks went in front of the door. A hole was at the top, but it was too small. Victory screamed. 

Lucky: "Victory, i am watching you with a camera. I'll tell Leaping!" 

Lucky: "Leaping? Hello?! Victory is trapped, and if she escapes, she needs backup. A shark is going to eat her!"

Leaping: "NO! I have to save her, even if it wastes my life!"

Lucky: "Please be safe...."

Leaping streched his wings furiosly, and swam into the water to Deep Blue. He saw Victory. And he battled the shark. "Stop! She took care of me when i was a egg! My parents died! And Victory took care of me! I must protect her," Leaping roared, while clawing the shark. "You don't understand," the shark said. "Its the circle of life. Deal with it." Then the shark chained up Leaping. "Leaping!" Victory cried. She swam out of the cave that Leaping had blasted and freed Victory. Then Victory lost the shark. 

Lucky: "We must come with a escape plan to get Leaping back. Here is my plan. ____"

Victory: "Hello?! TELL ME!" Victory looked at her camera. Lucky has lost her connection. And Victory was lost deep in the ocean! She needed her little brother. He could fly her out of here. After hours of searching for help, she found a eel that finally showed itself. "Show me to land, please," Victory said. A eel pointed to a rocky cliff. She followed, and popped up in the aquariam. She coughed and ran to Lucky's den. 

"Your okay! I lost your connection. Come, we must come up with a plan to save Leaping. We must talk." 

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