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Monday, November 10, 2014

Kylie's first Panic Attack.

Please read, you don't have to though.

Hey guys, Kylie here, and i got my first Panic Attack DX

I've been drowning in depression for a week for some odd reason, and last night at 10:50ish, i got my first Panic Attack. What is a Panic Attack? Its when your heart is beating fast, and you feel like you are dying, but you can't die from Panic Attack, don't worry. For me, my intestines and stomach started to hurt, then my heart beat extra times. I thought i was having a Heart attack, (Heart attack i think is when one of your valves close.) So i told my mom and she said i was having a Panic Attack, when you feel bad for someone and you start to wonder what is wrong with you, so your body starts to panic. Well, my friend on Animal Jam has a friend from school that is a SPOILED MEAN LITTLE BRAT. She reported and deleted me once because i wouldn't trade :l. Anyway, she was laughing at my hard times at life, she laughed the most at when my friends who say they treat EVERYONE KINDLY ALL THE TIME laughed at me for making a "mistake." My mom suggests to find hobbies i like, ones that keep my happy, like typing for me. Art for me. Reading for me. But those don't keep me happy enough...

I didn't go to bed till 11:30PM, talking to my mom about my harsh times. Finally, someone who actually will LISTEN to my life without ignoring, laughing, or walking away from me. My niece is staying at my house for the day, so i'm trying not to type to loud... waking up a three year old is not a good idea. Well, i was just gonna post my Panic Attack... 

1 comment:

  1. I think i have been through a panic attack.... :( Just ignore the haters if i was u get homeschool! My mom said she would do that if i ever got bullied again which is going on but, i face it and ignore da hater :) and i have u as a friend!!! :D This is why i look forward to hangouts and AJ!
