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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What happeend to Mya?

Hey guys, Kylie here. Your probably wondering what the title is....

I'm on Animal jam right now with my friend, XxNightstarxX101, well we have a friend, her username was Soupcat, but her real name was Mya (that's why it says Mya in the title XD) Anyway, Nightstar thinks it was suicide. On her blog, she posted about her life, and she said she was stressed. It says this on her blog.

5th Grade Year At McKinley

By Mya Heimlich 

My 5th grade year wasn't the best. People ignored me and treated me like I knew nothing. I finally made a friend, named CeCe. We hung out at recess and lunch, and gradually, I met more and more friends. Some of my friends I met are: Gaiab, Taylor, Maddy, Hanna, Sophie, and Autumn. Sophie invited me to my first slumber~party (which I was super excited about) and I had a great time. Around November, I asked my Dad for a YouTube account. He agreed, and I was so happy! I started recording videos straight away! I met lots of new friends through YouTube/Google+. Anyways, back to reality. I had a big crush on this boy named Max, but he didn't like me back. Kids teased me a lot, and my step~dad gave me a hard time. I felt really bad, and I was even thinking about suicide, or running away. It became really hard to focus on homework and listen to teachers, but I managed to squeak by with some pretty decent grades. Then I had a crush on a kid named Eric, who liked me back. On the last day of school, in the Gym, you could buy a long strip of Duct Tape for $1 and stick it on the principal, who was standing on some mats. It was chaotic. Then, after the bell rang, I told Eric I liked him and ran away. 

Please come back Mya, we all miss you! :( 


  1. Mya's back. :D She logged on tonight. When i asked he what happened she keeps saying she'll tell me later... o.o

    1. :D

      Should i delete this post then?

      And i got a Panic Attack last night :(
