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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

More chapters to the tale of the dragon Nautilus 2

Chapter 6, Meeting the killer.

Nautilus didn’t feel good that night, when she was sleeping. YOU! ITS NOT OVER YET! I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE IN YOUR KINGDOM! The words from the anonymous dragon rung in her head. Nautilus woke up and found herself getting carried into a cage with Lily and Storm. “STORM WAKE UP!” Nautilus ordered. “Oh, Naturaleza. I am coming back for you,” Storm muttered in sleep. “MOM!” Nautilus roared. “Is the cake ready, Frank?” Lily said in sleep. Then they have been thrown, as the other two woke up. “You should have woke me up,” Storm hissed at Nautilus. Nautilus sighed in frustration. “Hi,” a voice called. Screech! “Congratulations on killing Frost. But her prince is coming for her place,” she sighed. “Frost killed that orange dragon, Mud. I killed her for him,” Nautilus explained. Screech gasped. “Brave and Loyal,” Screech said, patting Nautilus. Nautilus smiled at her little sister. Storm started digging. “THE SWAMP!” He exclaimed. Then Storm screamed in agony. “Ugh sharks,” Lily said madly. Nautilus started chomping the metal madly. Storm started licking blood off of him, and Nautilus looked around. She grabbed a stick. “Oh, i love knitting!” Screech said. “Lily or Mom gave me some thread!” Perfect, we shall get out now and protect our villages, Nautilus thought. Nautilus made a loop in the thread, and stuck it out. She grabbed the key, and grabbed it. Lily grabbed the key from Nautilus and opened up the cage. They raced out, and spread their wings. “Alert on cage 2189, escapers!” An announcer roared. Soon the Prince of Frost tackled them in mid-air! “You seriously think you can beat ME?” He roared. “I  killed your mom..soo” Nautilus replied. “I am STRONGER than that idiot,” the Prince roared. “I AM PRINCE GLACIER. ALL OF MY ENEMY’S DIED FROM JUST LOOKING AT ME.” Screech and Storm couldn’t stop laughing out loud. “You must be so ugly then!” Storm blurted. Glacier snarled at the tiny Sea Dragon. Storm suddenly hugged Screech and protected her. Glacier just rolled his eyes in disappointment. “Your lizards are lame,” Glacier said to Lily. “You should change that. AND YOU!” He pointed at Nautilus. “I read about you. Queen Nautilus. I am coming soon to take your village, for killing my mother.” “I did it for Mud!” Nautilus roared, but Glacier ignored her.

They flew back to the village. Nautilus stood on her throne. “VILLAGE MEETING! VILLAGE MEETING!” She roared. Dragons ran from every house. “The king is gone,” Nautilus sighed. “Mud died of an avalanche. I killed Frost in return. Now Prince Glacier is coming for revenge. We shall protect the young and attack. We shall not let the Prince take over OUR village!” Dark walked up. Nautilus didn’t see her! Oh no! “It can’t be true..” Dark said. Nautilus looked at the grass then her aunt. “Yes. I’m sorry. We need a king,” she replied. Dark made this terrible groan of disbelief. Storm looked in the corner of the shadows, his scales blending in well. “They forgot, i’m the new king,” he sighed, packing away. “Maybe Nautilus DOESN’T care for me after all.” Then Storm spread his wings, and silently flew at the next dawn.

Chapter 7, A New Home, a new look.

Man, they don’t care, huh? Storm thought while flying. Then a noise caught his attention. “W Who’s there!?” Storm stuttered. A dragon who came out looked familiar. “Want to join the ice army?” It was the tundra princess! Storm read about her, her name was Princess Ice. “I’m Storm,” Storm replied, shaking Ice’s hand in greeting. “And i will join. Queen Nautilus, or ‘queen’ doesn’t care about me, and i’m her little brother!” “I’m sorry about that, Storm. But you can be treated well here, just follow me,” Ice said.

They went into the Tundra. Storm felt numb from coldness. “To live here, you need to adapt, and be used to the temperature, here is the lab,” Ice said. A snow-covered cave sat in the tundra. “LAB,” Storm read from the sign. They walked in. “Okay, you need to be an Ice dragon. No more Sea swimming!” Ice exclaimed, as she tied Storm to a machine. “W what?” Storm stuttered. “It won’t hurt!” Ice replied. But it did. Shocks, and terror. Storm felt his DNA change, and he even felt where it might be in his body. Talons hurt as they got sharper and stronger, as his head changed, with ice fangs. He was still dark blue, but it felt like the cold was nothing. He slowly stepped out of the machine. “Complete!” Ice exclaimed happily. Storm felt odd, but he listened to Ice, as she was much more nicer than Glacier, the tundra prince. “Now, lets learn some training.”
It was like never before, actually learning HOW TO KILL! Storm was getting stronger every minute. Storm would hunt most of the times for the Tundra, and never failed. He learned how to use his new abilities, then earned it. A golden spear, very powerful. Storm loved his new life, but his family was worried about him, and he didn’t know.

Chapter 8, long lost siblings.

Storm went out for hunting, and this time, it wasn’t like any other time. Storm picked up 17 dead rabbits he killed from his breathe. Storm walked to the tundra, but a shift was in the bushes. Screech! Storm ran up to the brown dragon. “Screech! Its me!” Storm exclaimed. Screech stared at Storm for a while. “HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?” Screech whined. “Screech, who is that?” A voice called. Nautilus jumped out of the bush, and glared at the Storm. “Get away from my little sister!” Nautilus growled. “Wait,” Screech said, shushing Nautilus from snarling. “YOUR TRIBE KILLED STORM!” “W What? Guys, its me! Storm!” Storm replied. “No, the last time you were spotted you went into a cave in the tundra with an Ice claw, YOUR TRIBE KILLED HIM!” Screech roared. Nautilus gasped in depression. Her father got killed by TR’s guards. Mud was dead, and now she thinks Storm is dead. “GET AWAY FROM US!” Nautilus roared, clawing and throwing Storm. Then they walked away. Then Glacier came speeding near. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BACK AN HOUR AGO!” He growled. “My old sister, when i was like, Sea Claws or Sea Dragon,” Storm replied. Then Glacier pounced on Nautilus. They fought, claw and claw, teeth and teeth, gory and gory. “NO!” Storm roared. Then Storm heard Glacier roar, “going to the dungeons, you two.” Storm cried, seeing his big sister being pulled with his little sister.

Back in the tundra, all the Ice Claws (or Ice Dragons, either way) gasped at the sight of all of them. “WE HAVE CAUGHT QUEEN NAUTILUS, QUEEN OF THE SURFACE SEA THRONE!” Glacier roared in excitement. Dragons cheered, “and i wouldn’t have done it if Storm was late. Now lets eat up these rabbits!” Glacier finished. Storm felt queasy, and looked at Nautilus and Screech. Caged up, all thanks to him. Storm walked up to the prince. “Release them,” Storm snarled. Glacier laughed. “We caught our enemies! Why release them?” “Because they are my FAMILY!” Storm snapped. Then Glacier sat up. “We are going to have to kill you then, #1 hunter,” Glacier smirked. “GUARDS! Take him to the dungeon far into the dirt.” “NO!” Storm and Ice roared at the same time.

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