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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Be you!

Hey guys! Okay why is Strikethrough on?!

Okay so, i get teased a lot in school for being a tiny 5th grader. (Maybe because i was born on August 24 and everyone is March or a year older than me.) And i hear many other people be teased for their personatly too! If you want to, you can comment about your problems. One of my friends were spreading rumors about me today :(

Anyway, Victory has a special message for you. 

No mater how weak or strong, sloppy or fancy, just be you. And i have a message for people who gossip and spread rumors.

Stop that please! Please ask the person before you gossip about them at least! Don't just go spreading rumors about people if you don't know the truth. My teacher read my class "Mr. Peabody's apples" it was for a example for a Personal Essay and to not spread rumors. So like Victory the otter said, be you! Its okay if you like Yellow, Green, Blue, Brown, Purple, any color you like. Because you are you. Let me tell you one of my experiences with the gossiping.

So i was eating Pasta in the lunchroom, but i eat sloppy so yea. And a girl in my class gasped and said EWWW. Then she started spreading how i'm a sloppy "Virgo" (Virgo is one of the Zodiac signs in Astrology, its for Septemer, but i am still one by two days.) Then when i was going for Math Intervention, someone asks, "Kylie, why were you eating Pasta so sloppy?" I didn't think it really mattered, but everyone was so suprised for some odd reason. So if you gossip or spread rumors OR BOTH, think about that person you hurt. You made everyone hate them, for something they never did. Maybe you should rethink that. Tell everyone the truth, that you lied. And the person did not do the thing you said. That you just made it up. Lets make the Earth a better place :)

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