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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The tale of the double sworded panda (Animal Jam Halloween Special)

A panda had two swords, just in case. And she was only 9. But jammers and scammers, she just can not trust them. She lived in a castle happily, but her parents were dragons. She sighed when she saw them sometimes. "Who are my real parents?" She would ask them. They would either reply with a "Not now, Starspike," or the cold shoulder. Starspike was really good with her surviving skills, but she really wanted to know her parents. "PLEASE TELL ME, DAD! I WOULD DIE IF I DON'T KNOW!" She would always say, but her father ignored her. And she was told to never take off her tail armor. She wondered why.

"Time to get ready for the fair, sweetie!" Her mother called.    Starspike got up and yawned. They came down, and they flew. Starspike had an older sister, but she died in war. She shed a tear as her father flew. Then they landed on their feet. Jammers from all around were having fun, away from the war of the phantoms. Most penguins has joined the phantoms as well, so everyone was afriad of those birds who can't fly. Halloween filled up the night sky. The eagles soared and the lions roared. Then Starspike saw a phantom. Like a lion who was going to pounce, Starspike crouched on the forest floor of grass. Then her mother saw her. She ran to her daughter, and roared at the phantom. Then the phantom shifted into a dark penguin. "THE KING," her mom and dad roared. They took a sword from Starspike. Mom handed it to Dad. The dark dragon pounced on the king, sword near his throat. "Don't go near my daughter, or anyone!" He said madly. The king just laughed, sending a deadly shock into the grass. It hit the poor panda, Starspike. She saw colors, then heared shrieks of fear from her parents, then silence, pitch black darkness.

Sorry for the random eagle 
She was in a yucky place. "Smells like rotten eggs sat on," Starspike thought. Her two swords were with her. She walked around for a bit. There were ghosts, werewolfs, phantoms, and more! Am i dead? She thought. "Sis! Starspike!" A voice called. A cheetah ran to her. "Ruby!" Starspike said. They hugged. "We should find a way back to our parents," Ruby spoke. "I agree," Starspike replied. But there was one problem. They were lost, in a forest of doom. "Come," Ruby said. Their was a door, as Ruby opened. A portal lay near their eyes, this portal lead to the mortal world. "What are we waiting for?" Starspike asked. Starspike was about to drop her leg in, but Ruby held her. "You don't want to get caught," Ruby said. Starspike felt herself fall, fall, and fall. She coughed, and saw the fair. "STARSPIKE!" A voice roared. Ruby went inside the portal, mad at her little sister.

Ruby lead the way to the fair. Her parents didn't care about her dead body! Starspike threw one of her swords, then picked it up. "Shh. Now coach, we must kill them," Ruby whispered. "But they are not my real parents!" Starspike whispered back. "CAN WE KILL SOMEONE THOUGH?" Ruby replied back. "Fine, but not them," Starspike muttered. Ruby nodded, and went toward an eagle. Ruby grabbed a sword from Starspike, and threw it at the eagle. The eagle screamed in agony, then fell. Her "parents" ran to check on the eagle. Ruby floated back to Starspike. "Wow nice, now give me back my sword," Starspike replied. Ruby groaned and gave it to her sister. The cheetah muttered, "sorry little sis." "Wait, lets kill them," Starspike said. "Okay," Ruby agreed, taking one of Starspike's swords. They aimed at them, then blood splattered. "Oh no!" Starspike said. "What have i done?" "THEY FOUND US OUT!" Ruby roared. They ran to the portal.

They were at the Haunted Forest, but their mom wasn't there. A black dragon was so mad. "KIDS!" He roared. "WHY DID YOU?" The girls kept silent. Starspike slipped away to the portal. "I'm coming, mom," she said. "STAR!" Her dad and Ruby called. She saw her mother. Her mother was cooking, and gasped when she saw Starspike. "Oh no.." She sighed. "Come. Your family is ghosts now," Starspike said slowly. Her mother sighed. "Follow me," she said crossly. They went into a secret lab. "I shall pour this potion on you and our familie's dead bodies. And on some graves.

Soon Starspike and the family was back. Starspike got the honors to put the potion on two graves. She sighed and put it on. A panda and a cheetah popped up. "Dad.." Ruby said to the panda. "Mom.." Starspike said to the cheetah. They hugged each other. "Sibling dragons!" The two parents started hugging the dragons.

And so they lived together in a castle, with a huge family, who was brought back to life...


Happy 2 day early Halloween everyone! 