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Thursday, October 23, 2014

My odd dream

Hey guys, i'm bored. So let me tell you about my odd dream.

So i was dreaming, i try to dream of my fantasy world and my stories as movies, but my brain usually starts dreaming about something random. So i was at my school and my teacher let us pick three options, talk, pet a teacher's pet lizard, or party in the room (i know the 3rd one won't happen in reality.) Me and my friend Jamar and my classmate David went to the lizard, but we found out the lizard went crazy, as it starting attacking people. We ran for the hills, or should i saw the hallways? Then there was a maze? Huh? We ran through the hallways, sticking together, then we got to the hallway where the 5th grade rooms are. I ran to tell my teacher. "That's silly, lizards don't eat humans," she replied. Then the lizard striked at us. I got bitten on the arm, while i took the 5th grade teachers to the nurse. Me and my buddies ran to the classroom to announce the emergincy. I saw girls scramble on top of their desks immediantly. I thought that was stupid to do with a mouse, but a crazy lizard.... it would work. Then the lizard slipped from one room to another, bitting everyone. We all stared at it, as the boys went on their desks this time. Some boys grabbed sharp pencils and erasers and stood in front of a girl. Me and four more girls were the only girls that did what the boys did. The lizard ran to the cafeteria. "HEY!" Everyone yelled, after it. Even the girls had sharp pencils and tin foil helmets and sheilds. I had to warn the Kindergarteners about the lizard, since they were eating lunch. "TO THE CAFETERIA!" One boy said. He hopped on someone with a horse costume on, and raced there. Soon classmates were horse and knight costumes everywhere. Some were even dragons. I chose to be a dragon, as we raced there. "RUN FROM THE LIZARD!" Jamar roared. "Why?" A kindie asked. "Uh, its a game. Run from the lizard!" I explained quickly. Soon every grade was knights, kings, dragons, queens, princesses, princes, and horses. We grabbed sharp pencils, and warned the teachers that were not hurt. "The lizard is at the library, all book reports and and returning overdue books are cancelled!" A fourth grader said on the intercom. Then i was guarding my classroom, then David came rushing. "Come!" He said, running to the cafeteria. I followed. "Guard the doors!" I called. Jamar and more classmates came rushing, some stayed to guard the weak. "Alright David, you found out! And i guess its a good time to use it," a voice called. I saw a ladder when they opened the door to the kitchen. "Thank you David, you found safety!" I told him. He said thanks, as we climbed up. A girl scrieked when she saw the lizard outside. A boy barfed on it. "Perfect! Good distraction," i said. "Sorry, i didn't mean to. I felt sick," the 3rd grader replied. Now a bunch of people were out, onto a beacon. I saw one brave teacher pull up a trampoline. Students jumped on it. I saw the teacher running from the lizard. A kindie did a Blurrrpp sound with his tounge, and sticked it out. The lizard came to it. "CALL ANIMAL SHELTER!" The nurse ordered. The cafeteria cooker called, as the lizard was put away, for good. 

The teacher who was the owner of the lizard bought a hamster instead, as all the teachers were fine. My teacher was in the classroom, thanking us. Now we could do our activitys. Every teacher did that. And everyone still wore their costumes.

It was like a fairy tale, happy ending. Then my mom called me for school. Darn, i should have went to bed earlier so i could dream more...

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