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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New AJ items

Hey guys! Kylie here. I couldn't post yesterday, because my computer has a virus. So for some odd reason it wouldn't let me go to blogger or my story on GD. 

Well, good news. The virus is going away slowly (I think so, because now its letting me go to links :L)

I am still afraid to use Snipping tool though. So here are some new AJ clothing items.

Hockey mask: 250 gems, member. Can be Tan, yellow, green, blue, uh.. dark blue? Purple, pink, and red. 

Eyeball hat: 250 gems, member. Can be white and blue, green and dark green, a yellow ish color with red and orange, orange purple and red, purple and dark purple with dark blue, green and brown, brown and blue, dark pink and clear through eye (ooh, nice!).

Mummy mask: 250 gems member, and i am too lazy to write down the colors, sorry DX. 

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