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Monday, October 27, 2014

The tale of the dragon Nautilus 2 chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2, The Enemy of Screech.

Screech got up. “Hey uh, i need to talk to Nautilus,” she said. She glared at Lily, Mud, and TR. “Alone,” she added. The three dragons went outside of the cave and river. “Look, i need to tell you something. See the cats come often to fight?” She asked. “Yea,” Nautilus replied. “They are mad as our family. I studied, and it seems like the cats are in fear of an ancient warrior in our family. He died of a rockslide, as the cats meowed in happiness and roamed the land. Soon dragons fought their way out, but they still roam today, like earlier,” Screech finished, then sighed. “They have been following me. If i were not here, you wouldn’t get hurt.” Then she bounced away, then spread her wings for takeoff. “SCREECH!” Nautilus roared, but she flew off too far away to hear her. “Come back…”

Nautilus ate her rabbit for breakfast with depression. “Why did she leave?” She asked Mud and Storm, at the table. Dark and Tundra soon walked into the room. “By the way, Lily and Naturaleza went hunting,” Tundra said. “And that big old lump is sleeping.” Nautilus didn’t seem to care about Tundra insulting TR, for some odd reason she was too depressed to care. She soon started picking at the ribs of the bunny with her claws. “Stop it,” Mud snapped, in his always serious tone. She stopped, then spread her wings. Naturaleza came in. “Oh no, no no no no no. Nautilus, your staying here!” She roared, but Nautilus jumped outside, and started to fly. “NAUTILUS!” Lily called, as she bounced behind Naturaleza. She saw Screech, the brown dragon flying fastly. “Come back!” Nautilus roared. But it was just her imagination. Then she saw a swamp. Nautilus dived down, but she didn’t see Screech anywhere. She saw a massive purple dragon grab her throat, and dive her down. Nautilus coughed when she let go. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” The dark dragon roared. Nautilus got to escape from her grip, and flew back to her kingdom, but the purple dragon was following her. Dark saw Nautilus flying, then the purple dragon. “FROST!” Dark growled, pouncing on the large dragon. Soldiers of both sides started to fight. Frost, the purple dragon, attacked the tiny dragons easily, but Dark was the perfect match. After scratching each other, Frost spread her wings in agony. “I WILL COME BACK FOR REVENGE!” She roared at Dark, then flew off.

The other dragons put Dark in the bed Nautilus was laying on yesterday. Nautilus helped Storm pick out flowers. Tundra and TR guarded, Naturaleza and Lily cooked their kill they got earlier, and Storm cuddled his aunt.

Chapter 3, Mud!!!

Nautilus and Mud raced in the air, wings flapping, searching for her sister. Storm soon came toward them. “They told me to come with you!” He smiled. Nautilus nodded. It was good for backup. Just in case. They saw the swamp, and dived down. “Screech!” Nautilus called. “Screech!” “N Nautilus?” A voice called. “Screech!” Both three yelled. They ran to the voice, and saw Screech sitting in a cage. “What happened?” Storm asked. “Frost, my enemy, got me,” Screech sighed. “She attacked my village,” Nautilus replied. “I will get you out.” Then a roar rumbled, as Frost growled. “YOU, QUEEN,” she pointed at Nautilus. “Get out.” Nautilus growled, “its not your village!” She roared. “Tsk tsk. Its near my village, the tundra. And i am going to take Screech’s village. So easy to fight her,” Frost replied. She roared as ice dragons stomped on the ground, as the Earth groaned and rumbled. Then an avalanche came in sight! “RUN!” Nautilus roared. They tried to fly, but their wings got blasted by Frost’s ice breath, as it turned to ice. “GO IN FRONT OF ME!” Mud roared. The avalanche came closer. A roar of agony hit Storm’s and Nautilus’s ears. They raced back. The avalanche has stopped. They saw a clump of snow, as they dug it off. “Mud?” Nautilus asked. Storm cuddled near Mud, trying to warm him up. “MUD!” Storm roared in his ear. No reply. Nautilus got so upset, she slapped him. No movement. Frost was snickering in joy at the dragons. “NOW GO!” She roared. Nautilus hugged Storm as they flew away.

1 comment:

  1. Muds death :C

    Frost roared as ice dragons stomped on the ground, as the Earth groaned and rumbled. Then an avalanche came in sight! “RUN!” Nautilus roared. They tried to fly, but their wings got blasted by Frost’s ice breath, as it turned to ice. “GO IN FRONT OF ME!” Mud roared. The avalanche came closer. A roar of agony hit Storm’s and Nautilus’s ears. They raced back. The avalanche has stopped. They saw a clump of snow, as they dug it off. “Mud?” Nautilus asked. Storm cuddled near Mud, trying to warm him up. “MUD!” Storm roared in his ear. No reply. Nautilus got so upset, she slapped him. No movement. Frost was snickering in joy at the dragons. “NOW GO!” She roared. Nautilus hugged Storm as they flew away.

    Song: When You're Gone (Avril Lavigne)
    I always needed time on my own, i never thought i'd need you there when i cry. And the days feel like years when i'm alone, and the bed where you lie is made up on your side. When you walk away, i count the steps that you take. Do you see how much i need you right now? When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you're gone, the face i came to know is missing too. When you're gone, the words i need to hear to always get me through the day, and make it okay, i miss you.
    *Instrumental :(*
    I've never felt this way before. Everything that i do... reminds me of you.. and the clothes you left, they lie on the floor, and they smell just like you, i love the things that you do. When you walk away, i count the steps that you take. Do you see how much i need you right now?! When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. And when you're gone, the face i came to know is missing, too. When you're gone, the words i need to hear to always get me through the day, and make it okay... i miss you... we were made for each other. Out here forever, i know we were, yeeeaaaaaah! And all i ever wanted was for you to know... everything i do i give my heart and soul, i can hardly breathe, i need to feel you here with me, yeeeaaah! When you're gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you. When you're gone, the face i came to know is missing, too. When you're gone, the words i need to hear to always get me through the day, and make it okay... i miss you.

    *Instrumental :'( :C D':*

    Lyrics and song

    Remember, this song is not by me! Its by Avril Lavigne
