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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The tale of the dragon Nautilus 2 chapters 4 and 5

Chapter 4, Avenging.

Nautilus and Storm returned at Midnight. They sighed. “You okay? Where is Mud?” TR asked. TR was the only one awake at Midnight. Nautilus sighed. She was about to tell him, but stopped. She walked to her bed sadly.

Nautilus had the worst nightmares ever. Mud’s death kept on popping up in her mind. She woke up. Storm was having a bad time, until he watched a puppet show, which made him smile, as he slept happily. Nautilus knew where to go. She grabbed a book a guard gave her, and read it. She flipped to the myth of The Death Cave.

The Death Cave.
When a dragon dies, he or she goes to a cave. The cave is on the edge of the Tundra of Frost.
Their loved ones come to speak with them, or to stay in touch. They are ghosts, but they still have emotions and feelings. Dragons say its a rumor. Its very hard to find, because of Frost and how much it snows. The cave can be covered with snow. The Death Cave is grey on the outside, but when inside, its a dark blue.

Nautilus had to find Mud. She didn’t care if was on the “edge of the Tundra of Frost.” She missed Mud. Nautilus got out of her bed made out of bear fur, and spread her wings. They were warm. Now she could fly. She flew up in the sky, trying not to wake up a soul. She saw the tundra, and looked for a massive lump of snow. She felt herself get colder. She saw Frost sleeping. Maybe she could pull a trick after she sees Mud. Nautilus grabbed Mud’s dead, cold body, and walked into the cave. She put him on the water, as wind roared. Mud’s spirit appeared. Nautilus felt like she was going to cry. “Nautilus?” Mud asked. “Oh Mud..” Nautilus sighed. She stepped forward to hug him, as she cuddled him. “That avalanche killed you.” Mud gasped. “I miss you,” Nautilus cried. “Oh, don’t be upset. Death is a whole new beginning in life,” Mud replied. “But, you're no longer with me,” Nautilus cried even more. Mud frowned. “I will always be with you, no matter what is in my way, like death,” he replied. He kissed Nautilus slowly. He started to fade. “WAIT!” Nautilus roared. Mud stopped. “Can we talk again? And give me some swords for Frost,” she said. “Okay,” Mud said. He gave Nautilus a sharp sword. Nautilus walked out, and kissed Mud goodbye. She walked up to a hill silently, sword in mouth. The guards were asleep. Terrible guarders, Nautilus thought. She walked to the giant sleeping purple dragon, and raised her sword. A guard yawned. “STOP! HAULT!” He yelled. Nautilus didn’t hesitate. Then Frost woke up in madness. Nautilus dropped the sword on her throat. Blood splattered everywhere, as Frost lay dead. Nautilus ran off, as soldiers and guards flew after her. She hid in the snow. She waited, then walked to home. There, Mud. I avenged you. You can now rest in peace, now that Frost is dead, Nautilus thought.

Chapter 5, Its not over yet.

Nautilus stared up at the stars, as dawn came. She raced home, as guards followed her, swords and spears out in their mouths. Nautilus soon felt herself get cold, as she rolled down the snowy hill. She was trapped, as a rockfall that happened earlier blocked her way to the swamp. She saw guards coming closer, and her wings were numb. Nautilus had no choice, but to fight. Then a spear slashed her side. Nautilus roared in agony and madness, and tripped them with her tail. She raced up, and started climbing. Nautilus gasped, then had an idea. She hid in the water of the soggy swamp. Eyes closed, ears listening, Nautilus got ready. She peeked and saw the guards, then dived down, swam up, and jumped in mid-air. Nautilus felt like she was free from gravity, without flapping wings endlessly. She landed, bottom on all the guards. Then she ran off, and flew away. The water made her wings warmer.

“There you are, Nautilus!” Lily called when she saw Nautilus in the sky of dawn. Nautilus fell down, her wings were tired. She has been flapping all morning and night. “I I I… KILLED FROST!” Nautilus panted. “What?” A voice called. Storm walked to Nautilus. “Where is Mud?” Lily asked. Storm started to speak. “He is De…” then Nautilus cut him off. “He is de..corating! You see, he got lost in an island, and he is decorating his new home while trying to find his way back!” Nautilus spoke. She knew that was a lie, but she didn’t want to tell them that Mud was dead, and it was her fault. He asked if he should come, and since Nautilus said yes, his life was up. She sighed. “My enemy is gone?” Dark asked, followed by TR. “Amazing job, tiny one,” he said, patting Nautilus on the head. “Word please, Nautilus,” Storm roared after all the chattering about Mud. He saw the others stare at them. “Privately,” Storm snapped. They soon walked away. “Dude, why not tell them that Mud is dead?” Storm asked. “It was my fault, because i told him ‘backup is good.’ And i wasted his life,” Nautilus sighed. Storm patted Nautilus on the shoulder. “He died for you. He loves you..” Storm said simply. “We shall never forget him… Well, lets go tell the others!” “NO!” Nautilus roared. She roared it so loud that the others turned around, and that the trees shook. “No,” she repeated. “Fine,” Storm replied. “But you’re going to have to when its important.” Lily soon walked over. “Nautilus, Storm, come with me. We are looking for Mud,” she said. Nautilus and Storm looked at each other in fear. “Come, my hatchlings!” Lily roared. She bounced on a cloud. Nautilus and Storm followed. They came to the tundra, as Nautilus saw Frost lay. Then Lily spotted the giant lump of the cave. “Lets explore,” she said. “I said he is in an ISLAND!” Nautilus groaned. Lily didn’t listen. Then there was a gasp of surprise. Mud lay dead with roses. “MUD!” Lily roared. “Alright, you were with him before he died. WHAT HAPPENED?” Nautilus sighed. “He asked if he wanted to come, i said its good for backup. And now he got killed by an avalanche by Frost, so i killed Frost,” Nautilus explained. “Its true,” Storm said when she finished. Everyone believed Storm, since he was kind and responsible. “Alright, but i am not telling the others yet,” Lily replied. Nautilus felt her soul spring up. Storm sighed in disbelief. They walked out, but a voice roared. “YOU! ITS NOT OVER YET. I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE IN YOUR KINGDOM!”

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