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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gonna go soon. Plus School of Dragon Updates.

Hey guys, Kylie here. Oh boy, my parents are fighting *closes door and puts earphones on, listening to music*

Anyway, its my dad's birthday, (Happy birthday Dad!) We are going to an Avalance game, the tickets were $10 each. Wow. Anyway, its the Avalance Colorado, V.S. The Panthers Florida. So, who is excited for Halloween? :D

Anyway, Chrome or my computer crashes when i try to upload pictures ._.
So no pictures. Maybe its only Chrome, because Chrome crashes a lot. Okay, i will try Explorer tomorrow. But SoD (School of Dragons) got new updates. Its now based off of the second movie or book. You can also swim in the water :) my Nadder seems to smile and be happy when me and her swim... the school is two parts now. (And that confused me so much, i'm used to it being one part.) There is the Lookout, i think that is the second half of the school. And there is a new place to explore! And yes, it does have Explore in its name.


Yay! Me and my dragon Estrella (or Gold) explored there. I think you should get on and explore it, too! There are Narwhals :o

Well thats it! Bye!

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