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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The tale of the dragon Nautilus (summary)

Hey guys! Kylie here, and remember how i said i have been typing?

No, its not finished. I'm only on chapter 11. But here is the prouloge.

 Prologue. A sound in a castle crackled as a baby dragon got her first glance of the Earth. Then a dragon grabbed eggs and her. Knights ran inside the castle. “Go!” A black dragon roared. The mother cried. “No!” she said. “Save the eggs…” Then the black dragon fell, and the mother flew off with her purple wings. They flew to a cave empty. “Hello, Nautilus,” her mother said. Nautilus was very confused. Who was that? She thought. Her mom just smiled at her. Years later, Nautilus grew into a older sea dragon. Her mother decided to teach her how to swim and fly. Then a egg hatched. Nautilus and her mother ran to it. “A night dragon! Just like me, but black!” Nautilus looked at her tiny brother. “I will name him Storm,” her mother said. “Hi Storm,” Nautilus said to the tiny hatchling. She nudged it. “Welcome to the world. I am Nautilus, and i will always be there for you.”

Here is a picture of Nautilus when she is much older (picture for chapter 2.)

I make dragons with the paint, and i just added Nautilus and a heart on it cause i felt like it, but its not on the picture for Chapter 2. And i listen to music when i type, and ya know which song makes me want to type or do something even more? 

This is he's a pirate. I shared it on my blog before, if you want to see. Well bye! 

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