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Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus, chapters 12, 13, 14, and 15. (ENDING OF FIRST BOOK)

Sorry i was with my niece today! Anyway, here is the finished book of The Tale of the Dragon  Nautilus! *phew*


So uh, i found out i can't upload photos for a while, so the chapters don't have pictures except for 12. Anyway, here is the story!

Then Dark screeched a battle cry as a T-Rex came past. “You,” the T-Rex roared. “Killed my wife!” Nautilus suddenly turned her head to her aunt. Which side am i on?! She thought. She looked at her aunt. Then the T-Rex. “Why can’t any of us have any harmony?” She asked. Then Dark roared. “I told you, its a dragon’s DNA. Dragons kill, and so do dinosaurs,” she said madly. Smoke came out of her snout. Nautilus sighed. “Nautilus is right,” Naturaleza suddenly said. Storm, Lily, and Mud suddenly nodded. What about dad? Suddenly, Nautilus remembered. “I’ll come back, T-Rex,” she said. She flew off. Dark got on Lily. “What?” She said. “Go to her. Here is some pearls.” Lily suddenly flew, as the others followed. “Dad!” Nautilus roared. A black figure layed, his wings over his dead body. She put her head over his chest, but heard no pump. She cried, waiting for a reply. No reply hit her ears. Nautilus clutched her father around her. “And this time it is real death…” She said. Then Dark saw Nautilus and Frank. Lily ran to him. “Frank get up!” Then Mud roared with Storm on his back, “T-REX!” And yes, the same T-Rex came, and Dark’s sea and night dragon soldiers at his side. “Attack it!” Dark ordered. The soldiers stayed still. “Dark Rose,” one began. “QUEEN DARK ROSE!” Dark roared. “Anyway, TR here said he can give us a good future if we kill you,” the soldier finished. “FLY!” Nautilus roared. Again it was a escape, but this massive dinosaur might catch them. It was risky to fly. But she would do it for them. For her family.

Chapter 13, a sacrifice.

Nautilus looked side from side, her friends and family near her, gliding, flapping, into the free air. Then Mud disappeared, then Storm, Lily, Dark, then Nautilus fell from the air. Naturaleza came diving down, then got captured in a net. She roared in agony, as some soldiers brang diamond tipped spears. “Stop!” Nautilus called, as she saw all of her friends in nets and chains, being dragged away. “Why take them.. when you can take leader?” The soldiers freed her friends, as they came over to Nautilus. “No,” Naturaleza said. “You’re not sacrificing, are you?” Nautilus slowly looked on the ground. “Its for your freedom…” she said. “NO!” Dark, Storm, Mud, Lily, and Naturaleza said at once. Then they grabbed Nautilus into nets, and spears were circled around her. “Fly! Get out of here!” Nautilus commanded, as the friends flew off.

Life was hard in a cage, full of chemicals in the dirt. They chained her up, and gave her food that has been halfway decomposed or halfway eaten. It was gross, and the water was dirty. How could Nautilus escape this time? She didn’t have Mud’s smartness, Storm’s cleverness, Lily’s strongness, Dark’s massive fireballs, or Naturaleza’s amazing gliding. Maybe if someone could come back. But who? And Nautilus didn’t want any of her friends to die trying to save her. Mud was having a hard time. They found an enormous cave near amazing plains and grass, full of yummy rabbits and zebra. Mud paced around the cave, worried and depressed. “We have to get her back,” he said. “You heard her, don’t come back. Fly, go away,” Dark replied. “I don’t know, i miss my little loyal daughter,” Lily sighed then added, “and Frank.” Then Storm spoke. “Lets get her back!” He roared loudly. They all grabbed diamond spears they took from soldiers, and yelled, “HUZZAH!”

Chapter 14, the great escape

Nautilus laid on rocks madly. Then she saw a soldier guarding her cage. “What did TR promise you?” She asked. “I will not give any information to a prisoner,” he growled. Nautilus freed one of her arms and grabbed him. “Tell me or i will put you in this cage,” she growled. “Okay okay, he said freedom. Freedom from any king or queen,” he replied quickly. “We do this so he doesn’t kill our family.” Why does everything in dragon history have to be kill each other? Nautilus raged in her head. “Look, if you let me out, i will stop this,” Nautilus said calmly. Then her friends bust into the dirt. “Mud? Lily? Dark? Naturaleza? ....Storm?” Nautilus gasped. “What are you doing here?” Then they started attacking the Guard, as Storm snuck and took the key. He flew and freed Nautilus. “Chemicals!” Mud roared. “Now we can’t fly,” he said. Dark was staying in the dirt with no chemicals, or the dirt they dug through. “Follow me,” she said. She went back to the tunnel, as the guard followed. “Wait!” He panted. “My name is Tundra. I am a Ice Dragon. I wish to join you.” They all nodded, as he waddled to them in excitement. Then they dug up, and a lake was there. “Enough water to clear up the chemicals,” Dark said. “Wait, why wouldn’t it work with our water dish?” Nautilus asked. “Too little water,” Tundra and Mud said together. Then they flew to TR, with Dark on Tundra’s back. Then soldiers gasped, as they came over the seven dragons. “TR, this can stop,” Nautilus began. “If i take my place as queen.” TR snapped and did an aggressive snarl. “I see kindness in your heart, TR. I will still protect you, if you just let me. Follow me, follow us,” Nautilus ended. TR sighed. “I guess you’re right. Take it,” TR roared. Nautilus sat on the throne, as rain stopped. She spread her wings over the six dragons and TR. “I don’t need any guards. No prisoners. No killing, for we can make this place a better place!” She announced. Everyone cheered.

Chapter 15, New Life (EPILOGUE)

Life sure has changed, as Nautilus became queen. No kills from anyone, as harmony spread the land. Dangers still roamed in the jungle, for the throne. But greedy dragons were no match for the team. Then Nautilus picked up her father’s body. She put it in fire, as it burned in the night, shimmering and throwing flecks of fire. Dragons all around danced over it, as a spirit came out, as a fire dragon, black, purple, her father, came out. “Good job Nautilus,” her father said. Then he faded.

Nautilus followed some of his advice he told her. Like “Treat others the way your suppose to be treated.” She followed that one well. She stared at the stars and saw her father in the sky. Mud became king, while Storm was still Prince. Then one morning, Nautilus woke up. She stared at the dawn. Then she got a message from John, a tiny Sea Dragon. “A queen is coming for a challenge, be prepared,” he said. Then he fluttered off. Were prepared, Nautilus thought, looking at her friends, Lily, Storm, Mud, Dark, Tundra, Naturaleza, and TR.

About the Author

Kylie Davis loves dragons, but in the last chapters her computer has stopped working with uploading photos. She was inspired by the author of Wings of Fire, Tui t. Sutherland.

“Me and my friend online roleplayed the first three chapters on a game. She was Dark and Storm, and i was Nautilus. I changed a lot though. I give some credit to her :)

Characters, and personalities

TR: A T-Rex who ate Dark’s wings, as he wanted revenge for Dark, because she killed his wife. He realized, though, he needed backup. When Nautilus became queen, he stopped being rude to Dark.

Nautilus: Loyal and Noble to friends, this sea dragon is the daughter of an Eastern Dragon named Lily. Dark is her aunt. Loves Mud and Storm.

Storm: Kind and loyal, this sea dragon was black when a hatchling. He soon grew, and helped his friends as much as possible, even if he was the smallest. Sisters with Nautilus, loves Nautilus and Naturaleza.

Mud: Kind to friends, and helps them. Loves Nautilus.

Tundra: Used to be a fierce guard, joined the team of dragons to help their world. Can be arrogant at times. Loves all of them.

Naturaleza: Nature in Spanish, this is the Nature Princess. She likes Storm, and has high spirits. She tries to cheer everyone up, even in bad times.

Lily: The mother of Nautilus and Storm, wife of Frank. she is a Eastern Dragon, who rides with clouds for flight. Sometimes uses pearls. Loves her kids. Kind.

Frank: The dad of Nautilus and Storm, husband of Lily. He loves his kids and Lily. Kind and fierce.

John: The messenger of Nautilus, fast and vain.

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