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Thursday, October 23, 2014

The tale of the dragon Nautilus 2, Prouloge. (Read first book first. Its on this blog.)

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus 2.

Written by Kylie Davis.

Prologue. The Queen of the Swamp.

Nautilus woke up, as air seemed cold this morning. It was very early, but nothing was early to a queen like Nautilus. Nautilus had an amazing story. She was treated by her mother badly, so Nautilus and her little brother, Storm, who was also a Sea dragon, flew off. They met their dad, Nautilus fell in love with a soil dragon who was her age, named Mud, became friends with the Nature princess Naturaleza, met her real mother Lily, and something so depressing we don’t want to add on. She saw Storm sleeping with Mud, curled up in moss. She nudged him, as he shot his head up as quick as possible. It startled Nautilus a little, as Storm woke up Mud. “Huh?” He yawned. “John said another queen wishes to challenge me for the throne of the Sea Dragons. He also said they don’t want to go to the one underwater, so… lets get trained,” Nautilus replied. Storm stretched. “I will go get Tundra and Dark,” he said. “And Naturaleza.” He sighed happily when he said the name Naturaleza, the Nature Princess. “Looks like you have to wake up TR,” Nautilus laughed at Mud. Mud groaned. “That guy can crush me on accident,” he said, moving. Then Nautilus saw Storm and Naturaleza with glass bottles left by humans, and they were digging for roots. “Huh?” Nautilus asked. “We are making Root Beer,” Naturaleza responded. “Hurry up then,” Nautilus ordered. Then a dragon came past. “I came to challenge you,” she said. Nautilus felt like something was familiar to this dragon. Then she gasped in surprise as the queen greeted herself. “My name is Screech, queen of the Swamp.”

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