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Friday, October 17, 2014

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus, chapter 8, 9, 10, and 11.

Mud’s brown glow faded, as he fell asleep when they landed on a island. Her father bent a tree and put it over Mud, as he fell asleep. Nautilus grabbed some leaves and put it over him. But before he went to sleep, she asked him a question. “Mud, why does your brown spots come and when?” She asked. “Well, it means i’m stressed, aggressive, or if its night and i need light,” he replied. “Do you love me?” Nautilus asked. “Of course. Good night,” Mud said. He slowly closed his eyes. Nautilus wasn’t tired, though. She went on the leaves of the tree, and stared at space. Wind roared, then a dragon was in the sky. She’s beautiful, thought Nautilus. And she could speak to her, because Mud was asleep, and her father was hunting for fish. “H Hello?” Nautilus spoke, nervously. The dragon gasped and turned back. “Who raised you?” She asked. Nautilus looked at this dragon curiously.
She silently hid her wings and blended them in, but the dragon in the endless sky saw. “Nautilus..?” The dark red dragon asked. “Is that you? Are you sure its not a Halloween costume of you?” Nautilus blinked. “Its me, besides who would dress up as me?!” She scolded. “It is you. Your voice was like a beautiful star, and it still is,” the dragon said. “Mom? I knew that queen wasn’t my mother! That dragon muncher dinosaur killer!” Nautilus roared, trying not to wake up Mud. Nautilus saw this dragon meant no harm, for this dragon was her mom, so she showed her wings. “Beautiful, just glamorous,” her mother said. “Are you dead?” Nautilus asked. “No, just on the wind and clouds,” her mother said. She stepped down next to her daughter. “Who is the soil dragon? And where are my other eggs?” “Mud and Storm is.. he risked his life for ours,” Nautilus said. She started to cry. “Shh. Lets go end this bad queen once and for all, but in the morning,” her mother said, looking at the sleeping dragon Mud. Then her father came back. “Lily!” He exclaimed. They hugged and nudged each other. “Dad, then who helped me escape!?” Nautilus demanded. “Your aunt,” her father replied simply. “But since she has no daughter, your next in line to the throne.” Nautilus was stunned. So that’s why the hard punishments from her. She was not her real mom, and she wishes to stay as queen.

Lily, who was a Eastern dragon, didn’t have her pearls this time. She traveled on clouds instead. Mud woke up in the cold ancient morning. “Ahh!” He screeched. “Calm down, Mud. This is my mom’s way of traveling,” Nautilus said. Then the wind picked them up. Nautilus swore she fell off, but she stayed on her cloud. Then the cave appeared in sight. “Dive!” Lily said. They dived down, and then they spread their wings and flew. Then they dived down, flapping endlessly. Frank, the dad of Nautilus, landed on the queen. “You!” He spat madly. “Don’t go near my hatchlings ever again!” The queen just waved, threw him, and smiled. “Nah,” she said kindly. Lily threw pearls at her, and wrestled her. Mud and Nautilus ran to Storm. Storm was serving the guards with folded wings and a half gone tail. She looked at him. “Storm!” She sighed. “You're okay.” Storm looked at her. “Yes, but she is going to kill me tomorrow,” he said. “And if she sees you, she will kill you.” Nautilus spoke. “Storm, i met my real mom. She is fighting our aunt.” Storm gasped. “I should have known. You guys got to get out of here,” he said. “You're coming with me and Nautilus,” Mud snorted madly. “I can’t fly. My wings and tail,” Storm sighed. Nautilus put Storm on her back while Mud fought the guards. “BRING HIM TO SAFETY!” Mud roared. Nautilus thought. “Nope,” she answered, picking up Mud with her talons. She raced to her parents, and Lily went on clouds. Her father was still fighting. “He said I bring you to safety,” she said. Nautilus smiled, and followed her mother. But Nautilus had to come back for her father.

After a bit of flying, a dragon caught sight. A green and brown dragon with yellow patterns. She looked at them as if they were trouble. “Hello,” she smiled. Seems nice, unlike most dragons, Nautilus thought. “Hello,” Nautilus replied, confused. It was getting dark, and Mud got stressed out quickly. “Lets go, what if this dragon is a killer like your mom…aunt!” He said. “Aunt, and that’s not nice to a kind dragon!” Storm snapped. Then the green dragon said quietly, “Follow.” Then she dived to the land below. “Where are we going?!” Nautilus panted, trying to catch up with the dragon. “To my kingdom. My name is Naturaleza, and i am the Nature Dragon princess,” the green dragon replied. Nautilus blinked. New dragon princess?! Nature? What is going on?! Nautilus followed, and she was surprised. A kingdom on Earth! Not in the sky. Maybe this was because it was an Nature Kingdom. “I hate Queen Darkrose,” Naturaleza muttered. “Because she was vain and stayed for the throne, a war is happening!” Naturaleza laid on a bed and stared at the ceiling endlessly. Queen Darkrose, Nautilus thought. Her aunt! “That’s my aunt! What happened? What did she do?” Nautilus was full of questions, and Naturaleza could answer them! “Hey uh, what is with Queen Darkrose. She is my aunt and since she has no daughter, i’m next for the throne. But she wants to stay and-” Nautilus spoke, then Naturaleza interrupted her. “You? Next in line for the Sea throne? She is not even a Sea Dragon and she stole the throne. We need you. You see, she is bring harm to the land, killing the innocent and helping the guilty. We got to fight her. War.” “Can we sleep first?” Storm yawned. They all agreed. It was dark, and they need to save their energy for the war.

They slept and Nautilus wondered in the night. Why does she need the throne of the Sea Dragons? Why can’t she just steal the Night Dragon throne?

“You!” Nautilus roared when they saw Queen Dark Rose. “Oh no, go away,” her aunt groaned. Why so down? Nautilus asked in her head. She accidently showed that in her face. “Ugh, you won’t understand. Why? Because you have your precious wings,” Dark suddenly answered. She started to climb a rocky cliff. “Stay here,” Nautilus ordered to Lily, Mud, Storm, and Naturaleza. They looked confused, as she flew up. Her mother was up. “So, what did happen to your wings?” Nautilus asked, sitting right next to her. “Pfft. Got eaten by what? Lousy killing dinosaurs,” Dark answered. “I couldn’t steal the Night throne. It was too far away, and too close guarded. I took the Sea Throne instead. I need one to be protected from being killed from the same T-rex, because he is out for me again.” Then Nautilus gasped. Its all making sense, Nautilus thought. “Oh. Why can’t i be Queen? I will still protect you,” she asked. She actually felt bad for her aunt. “Come. Lets change this, and the war,” Nautilus suddenly said. “R Really?” Dark sniffled. “Anything for you, queen.” Then Nautilus put her on her back and flew down. Naturaleza growled and hissed when she saw Queen Dark Rose. “Calm down sister,” Dark snapped. Naturaleza stopped, and hugged her. “Wait,” Naturaleza said, accidently pushing Dark into some mud. “Are you still going to fight?” Dark got up. “Well with that T-Rex that showed up. The one who ate my wings,” she replied. “That was me!” Storm blurted out. “I did that for Mud and Nautilus to have enough time to escape!” Then Storm clapped his talons around his mouth. “Sorry, aunt,” he muttered. Then they flew away, to where the dinosaurs roam. “I hope you remember the dinosaur looks,” Mud said. “I do. So lets kill it,” Dark roared.

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