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Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus Chapter 4, 5, 6, and 7 (Read the first chapters first)

t. “Storm, can you go fly and get prey from a nearby island?” Storm nodded, and flew. He looked around, then a black dragon fluttered by. “Egg shell to pass to my island,” the dragon said kindly. Storm held out a black egg shell with blue spots on it. The dragon looked at it carefully. He almost fell into the ocean, gasping. “Son?” He asked. “You're alive?!” “Dad? I am,” Storm replied. “And Nautilus is too. Follow me.”

“Storm!” Nautilus cried out. “Who is that?!” “Your father,” the dragon greeted. Storm and Nautilus hugged him. “Dad! Our mom tried to kill Screech and me!” Nautilus said. He looked at Storm. “Its true!” Storm said quickly. “Take me to her,” dad said.

After a while of flying, they saw the cave, like it was 5 years ago, but it was something different.

A throne with gold, ruby, emerald, and diamond inside it. Her mother roared as a tiny soil dragon walked near her, while she sat on the throne. “Mud, get out of here. Live in a tundra, that is a order,” her mother said. Mud, the soil dragon, quickly dug down. Everyone else gasped at the sight of Nautilus. “The lost heir!” They exclaimed. Then Nautilus thought of how a random monkey, her mother’s friend, said she will become something extraordinary. Something beautiful, something unique, something royal. But this was when they were escaping from the castle, so of course she didn’t know what unique, royal, beautiful, and extraordinary meant. Then her excitement drowned with her mother’s roar, “GUARDS, THE LOST HEIR KNOWS! THROW HER IN THE DUNGEON, WITH MUD.” Then two mighty looking ice dragons threw her in a hole in the dirt. Storm fought off the guards. Nautilus saw a guard push her into bars made out of ice, fire, and metal. There was no escape. Mud started digging down, but metal was everywhere. “Hi, i’m Mud. Welcome to the dungeon.” Mud sighed at the part of “Dungeon.” “My mom trapped me!” Nautilus exclaimed. “Lost heir, you can save the dragon land. We have to escape first,” Mud said simply. He added “We need help to burn these metal though, they give us a chemical in the dirt food and water that makes us can’t breath fire or anything like that!” Nautilus thought. Storm could help, but he is going to have to glide down so he won’t touch the chemicals in the dirt.

Earlier, Nautilus stayed on a rock that didn’t smell like chemicals. She soon threw a mad fireball at the dirt a couple hours later. Mud gasped. “Hang on, the metal is gone! Anymore fire to damage the bars?” Mud asked. “No,” Nautilus replied honestly. So Mud started to dig. “Good luck, Mud,” Nautilus said. Mud smiled and kissed Nautilus. Nautilus soon got tired of balancing, and she layed on the dirt. She didn’t care about the chemicals, then she heard Mud in the dirt. “Hey, it can take up your energy and sometimes your strength if you lay on that stuff,” he said. Nautilus quickly put a bunch of rocks (with no chemicals) in a line, and laid on those. Mud got up, and he climbed to the hole. Nautilus waited patiently. This will all be over soon, she thought.

But her mother still plotted deadly weapons to use on the heir. You see, she wanted to stay as queen, and she didn’t want her daughter taking the throne. Storm looked in the hole. “Nautilus!” He screeched lightly, so his mother didn’t hear him. “What happened to you, Storm and Mud?” Nautilus asked. Mud had got a scar ever since he went up, and Storm had his tail broken. “Oh no Storm, you can’t fly! Why do i let this happen to your little brother!” “Its fine. Mud said i glide and free you?” Storm replied. Nautilus suddenly covered the hole with dirt, and Mud and Storm hid. A guard was coming. “A hole. Yuck,” the guard said. He put stone all over it. They waited till he waddled away, then Nautilus turned to them. “The easy way is now blocked. You have no choice, boys,” Nautilus said. Mud only came out with really wet lava, as it sucked into the dirt and stayed. Storm glided closer, and destroyed the bars. Nautilus got up from her rock bed, and hopped with joy. “Now what?” Mud asked. Then an alarm went off, and they all froze in fear. They were paralyzed. They didn’t know what to do. I don’t want Mud or Storm to die. I am starting to like…. love Mud. And i love Storm. I don’t know what i would do without them, Nautilus thought.

Mud’s scar quickly became his orange color. And his snout had a new brown glow on it. “Step into the moonlight,” a guard ordered. They left the hole, and the queen sat in her throne. “I got no choice but to kill my own kids,” she sang. She attacked Nautilus with her huge claws, as Nautilus fought back. The queen screamed in agony by a cut in her neck, then attacked Nautilus fast. She threw her on the ground and sat on her. “Where is Storm? I need to kill him, too,” the queen said. Storm was gone. “Go escape, my tiny Storm,” Nautilus coughed weakly. “Shut up” her mother (or the queen) roared. “Get off of her,” Mud said calmly. “No,” the queen replied. “You see, your her age. You can be king. But now it won’t happen,” she snarled, squeezing Nautilus even more. Then a voice came from a rock. “Psst, Nautilus! Push the rock,” it said. Nautilus pushed it, and Storm came out. He flew in the night sky, his wings blending. He made his scales disappear and changed his color to a red and green, like a T-Rex. He made his mustache disappear into his snout.  He made a low, dinosaur roar and the queen looked up. “DINOSAUR! KILL IT!” She ordered. She jumped off of Nautilus and grabbed a sword. Storm’s tail was healing, but he couldn’t go too far, or too high. Nautilus got up, and saw Storm almost fall. Then something grabbed her. Mud, then something grabbed Mud. “Dad! What about Storm?!” Nautilus roared madly. “For now, you guys need to heal,” her dad replied. “No!” Nautilus and Mud said at the same time. This time they sounded aggressive. But they couldn’t get out of her father’s grip. “I am sorry Storm and Mud, for showing weakness,” Nautilus said quietly.


  1. This is so good u can get famous for this :D

  2. Really? Thank you so much! I'm thinking about publishing it when i'm 18 or something. You can start typing too if you want. I use Google Drive. But thank you so much! You are so kind!
