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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus. Prouloge, chapter 1, chapter 2, and chapter 3.

I make these with Google Drive. I will try to post every chapter i make.

The Tale of the Dragon Nautilus

Written and illustrated by Kylie Davis

Prologue. A sound in a castle crackled as a baby dragon got her first glance of the Earth. Then a dragon grabbed eggs and her. Knights ran inside the castle. “Go!” A black dragon roared. The mother cried. “No!” she said. “Save the eggs…” Then the black dragon fell, and the mother flew off with her purple wings. They flew to a cave empty. “Hello, Nautilus,” her mother said. Nautilus was very confused. Who was that? She thought. Her mom just smiled at her. Years later, Nautilus grew into a older sea dragon. Her mother decided to teach her how to swim and fly. Then a egg hatched. Nautilus and her mother ran to it. “A night dragon! Just like me, but black!” Nautilus looked at her tiny brother. “I will name him Storm,” her mother said. “Hi Storm,” Nautilus said to the tiny hatchling. She nudged it. “Welcome to the world. I am Nautilus, and i will always be there for you.”

Nautilus loved her tiny brother. He was a dark and silver dragon, with tiny feet and tiny scale like wings. He had a odd purple beard, and purple square eyes. Then a roar sounded in the trees. “Get inside, my babies!” Their mother sang. Nautilus looked up from the water. “Awww…” she said. She walked into the cave, water dripping from her scales. “Now now, Nautilus, you get to swim soon. But i want you to be safe,” her mother said. She put her purple wings over Storm and Nautilus. Nautilus put her wings over storm. Her blue and white wings shimmered. “Storm,” Nautilus whispered. The tiny dragon looked at her. “Yes?” He replied. “Look, cats are trying to drive us out of our home. I’ll be there for you,” she smiled, nudging her brother. “Thanks noble sis,” Storm replied, then they both snuggled near each other. Then cats and wolves came up the hill. five lions and six wolves. Her mother ran to the beasts, as Nautilus followed. “Stay here Storm. HUZZAH!!” Nautilus soon ran to the animals and started attacking. Storm looked around. “Huzzah!” He roared, joining his sister. “Storm!” Nautilus said madly. Two lions padded up toward her brother. She raced in front of her brother. She attacked them. Then wolves attacked her madly because of the dead lions. “Run!” Nautilus ordered. Storm ran into the cave. He shed his black scales as it became blue like Nautilus. “I forgot…” his mom sighed. “That some baby Sea Dragons are black at first.” Nautilus looked up weakly. Then her mother flew Storm away, but they followed. Nautilus snuck into the lake as the dragons slowed back to the cave one step at a time. Then Nautilus, with all her strength and speed, swam out of the lake, jumped, and flipped in mid air onto the wolves and lions. “Your a Sea Dragon?” Nautilus asked. She jumped with joy. “Mom, she’s bleeding! We should help her!” Storm said. “Very kind, Storm,” the mom said. “Into the cave, Nautilus.”

Nautilus saw a egg hatch, and yelled for her mother. “Its hatching!” Nautilus exclaimed. Then a egg hatched, and a screech roared from the forest, scaring the monkeys away. “Our prey!” Storm said. “Ah, well, we still have bits of those deer we caught.” Everyone agreed. “Well, i’m gonna call this thing Screech,” their mother said. “Now, Nautilus,  Storm, hunting now! Since Nautilus had more swim practice than you, Storm, you will hunt on land and she hunts underwater.” The little Sea Dragon sat on a rock madly. Screech, a brown dragon, giggled then screeched again. Then Storm and Nautilus started hunting immediately.

After eating from the hunt, otters came. They all knew otters were rare here, but Nautilus and Storm were interested in a human reading a book of dragons. Nautilus soon walked up to the human. “Hi,” she said politely. Storm bowed. The human ran, dropping his book. Nautilus picked it up and walked home with Storm. They started reading it together. “Check out the Spiderchaos! Whoa!” Storm said. “Wow! All so amazing!” Nautilus said. Then they started reading about their own species. Screech bite the book from Storm’s hand. “Hey! Give it back!!” Nautilus roared. Screech soon screamed, and threw the book into the lake. The otters ran, and Nautilus grabbed the wet book. She growled at Screech, and she screamed again. Her mother came over. “Nautilus!” The mom said. She grabbed Screech and a sharp rock. “No no, mother, don’t!” Nautilus said madly. “No, not this. You see, this baby is too much trouble.” Then her mother flew off to a tundra. Nautilus followed. Her wings of loyalty has been earned from the fight, for protecting her brother. Then she saw Screech sitting on ice all alone, with five other hatchlings. They have been abandoned! How could these mothers just put them and let their own dragon babies die?! Nautilus raged in her head. She grabbed them. They all looked in her eyes, they were thankful to be protected. I will save you from this terrible doom, Nautilus thought, nudging the hatchlings. Her warmth from the scales transported to the hatchling’s bodies. They cooed. And Screech even calmed down for once. She spread her wings, and gave it to a dragon friend she knew, and she trusted. “Oh my, thanks!” The dragon said. Nautilus looked at Screech. “Sorry, little sister. But now you can have a better future, away from a mom who is trying to kill you,” she said. She kissed her sister, then flew off.

“Screech should be dead by now. No more trouble,” the mom said. “I brought her to a good home, and four other hatchlings too,” Nautilus said as she entered the cave. “NAUTILUS! HOW COULD YOU… MAYBE YOU ARE TOO LOYAL AND NOBLE,” her mother roared. “You’re in big trouble. You are getting a DRAGON GROUNDING.”
Chapter 3, Daughter V.S. Mother. (sorry it wouldn't show up in picture)

Storm gasped and clapped his talons around his mouth. “Don’t you dare!” He growled. His mother growled, then bit Nautilus. She threw her into the lake. “I was just doing what was right, mother,” Nautilus said weakly. She shed a tear of pain. “This is not okay to do to your daughter.” “Nautilus, its in the history of dragons. Dragons fight and kill.”
“Not me!”
“You should, its a dragon’s DNA.”
“Not mine. So to bad.”
Then her mother calmed down. “Sorry. I am just so cross with you, you shouldn’t have done that.” “It was right, they were gonna starve,” Nautilus said. “You think saving random hatchlings is right?!” Her mother said madly. “Yes, because it protects them,” Nautilus replied. Storm looked up. Then the mother bit Nautilus in the head hardly. Storm had enough, he nibbled on her mother’s tail and threw her. Nautilus looked at Storm, and started to lick him. Then something amazing happened, Storm earned his wings of bravery. He looked at his older sister. “We have to get out of here,” he said. “I mean, our mom tried to kill Screech and hurt you.” Nautilus agreed. Then their mother ran to them, sharp teeth flashing in the moonlight. “Run!” Nautilus ordered to Storm. “Or, fly!” They lifted their wings, and Storm stumbled by his first flight. They raced up to the treetops, and saw their mom coming. They kept on flying, till they were free. Free from a bad mother, freedom filled this air, and so it begins, an adventure where survival starts. No more mother hunting for food, now, they have to become grown together.


  1. Replies
    1. Do you mean more of the chapters or more stories or more me? And thanks for the feedback :)

      I will post the other chapters tomorrow
