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Saturday, October 25, 2014

The tale of the dragon Nautilus 2 chapter 1.

Chapter 1. we meet again…

Nautilus ran to her. “Screech! Are you okay? Did you get a dragon grounding? Are you wounded?” She asked. Dragon grounding was terrible, its when the parent fights its hatchlings if it did something bad. “I’m fine. Who are you?” Screech snapped. “I saved you from the tundra. As you see, i am Nautilus,” Nautilus greeted herself. Screech gasped like Nautilus did earlier. Screech jumped. “I thought you and mom and Storm left me!” She exclaimed. “I thought mom killed you because she almost killed me!” “Well, i did get a dragon grounding. But anything for the family and friends,” Nautilus purred. Dark tried to stay away from the two sisters as far as possible. Screech saw Dark and did this snarling sound in her throat. Nautilus felt bad for Dark. She did what was right, sort of. But giving it to somebody trustful was better. She patted and hugged her sister, endlessly. “I missed you,” Nautilus said. Screech did this massive screech, as her villagers panicked. “Huh? What is going on?” Nautilus and Storm asked at the same time. “Intruders wanting to fight,” Screech replied. She grabbed a spear. Then Lions and Tigers came. She saw dragons racing. Nautilus made her friends stay. “Its fine,” Tundra yawned, but Nautilus didn’t care. She raced to Screech. Then she saw a vicious tiger claw her. “NO!” Nautilus roared. Screech’s leg was bleeding hard, as Nautilus stood right next to her. Then something knocked her into mid-air. Nautilus screamed and fell in agony. She saw Screech retreating to a cave. “Run!” Nautilus roared to her. Then Nautilus felt her eyes close. She opened her eyes a peak as a snake with the cats bit her with poison. She closed her eyes again, in agony and defeat.

“Nautilus!” A voice roared. “GET UP YOU!” Then Nautilus thought of her life, replaying in her mind. She was born, protected Storm, made friends, found love, saw her dead father, then this day. Screech retreating to a safe place with a clawed leg, bleeding endlessly. Then she saw a figure in the blackness. A turtle? Storm? No… no! It was the snake, as poison came on her, and she saw nothing more. “Please wake up!” A sweet girly voice said softly. She felt something pat her head, like a scaly paw, soothing her head softly. Another voice said, “be brave, young one.” “Bring her to safety!” Mud roared quickly. Dark, Tundra, and Naturaleza grabbed her.

Nautilus woke up, in fear. She saw her in a bed of flowers on a river. She saw TR and Mud guarding her. “Nautilus!” Mud yelled in happiness! “Oh my, you’re alive! We were all so afraid, even the queen Screech.” Nautilus blinked. “Was that Screech? Who was the other voice?” She yawned. “ I I don’t know,” TR replied. John raced in like lightning in the sky. “The queen of the Swamp wishes to see you,” he said, then flew away. “Nautilus!” Screech roared. Then a tiger pounced in. The one that flipped her into the air! He growled. “GET IT!” Mud ordered, as TR pounced on it madly. Nautilus felt the claw swipe, as she clawed it back. But the tiger clawed the poison, as she passed out. GET UP! Her brain screamed. She woke up. She saw the tiger screaming in agony. “MMREOOOOWRRRR!” He screamed, as if he was saying “It feels like acid in my claws!” Nautilus put him in the river, then he ran away. She sighed. “You're welcome,” she yelled. “Mreow,” the tiger replied softly. Then he bounded off to the forest. Lily bounced into the room. Lily was hunting, then got the message from John. “Are you okay?” She asked, hugging and licking Nautilus. “I’m fine, is Screech alright?” Nautilus replied.

Sorry i have been shopping. Fall break, yay! I'm going to the zoo tomorrow, so i won't be posting till late at night. Well, bye!

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